
Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies.
Advanced Battler (Bronze)
Obtain 75% of all battle trophies.
Arms Addict (Bronze)
Collect 100% of all weapon data.
Aspiring Architect (Bronze)
Create 40% of all possible items.
Creative Craftsman (Bronze)
Create 60% of all possible items.
Creature Collector (Bronze)
Collect 50% of all monster data.
Dilettante Designer (Bronze)
Create 20% of all possible items.
Dutiful Deliverer (Silver)
Compelte 100% of all quests.
Errand Boy (Bronze)
Complete 50% of all quests.
Inspired Inventor (Bronze)
Create 80% of all possible items.
Master Battler (Silver)
Obtain 90% of all battle trophies.
Monster Master (Silver)
Collect 100% of all monster data.
Practiced Battler (Bronze)
Obtain 30% of all battle trophies.
Rookie Battler (Bronze)
Obtain 15% of all battle trophies.
Seasoned Battler (Bronze)
Obtain 60% of all battle trophies.
Ship Savant (Bronze)
Collect 100% of all spaceship data.
Skilled Battler (Bronze)
Obtain 45% of all battle trophies.
Congratulations! You've collected every last STAR OCEAN® THE LAST HOPE® -INTERNATIONAL- trophy!
Treasure Hoarder (Silver)
Open 100% of all treasure chests.
Treasure Hunter (Bronze)
Open 50% of all treasure chests.
Ultimate Battler (Silver)
Obtain 100% of all battle trophies.
World's Biggest Welch Fan (Silver)
Create 100% of all possible items.
Battle Trophy Unlockables
You can unlock the following for each character individually by obtaining a certain percentage of their battle trophies:
Additional Battle Voices, Set 1
Obtain 30% of the character's Battle Trophies
Additional Battle Voices, Set 2
Obtain 75% of the character's Battle Trophies
Level cap increase
Obtain 50% of the character's Battle Trophies
More CP
Obtain 100% of the character's Battle Trophies
Unlockable Difficulties
Chaos Mode
Beat the game on Universe mode
Universe Mode
Beat the game on Galaxy mode
Pause cut scenes
To pause a cut scene on the ps3 international version of the game just push the ps button. The music will continue to play but the cut scene will freeze, once you press the ps button again to exit the XMB the cut scene will resume as normal. I have tested this and left it like that for a little over an hour with no problems.

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