
Tales of Xillia

Grade Shop
After beating the game once, you are prompted to save your game. By loading this data you can start a new game with extra feature by using your Grade points which you have aquired throughout the game.
1/2 Level - Retain half of your max level when you start a new game.
2000 GP
AC +2 - Increase the max AC of your character by 2.
1500 GP
Accessories - Carry your accessories over your next file.
700 GP
Arts - Retain your Arts and Arts related item over your next file.
2000 GP
Arts Count - Keep Arts Usage data.
100 GP
Consumables Items - Carry your consumables items over your next file.
300 GP
Critical x3 - Damage x2 - Increase Critical rate by triple (this includ
100 GP
Damage x2 - Increase damage by double (this includes enemies as well.)
100 GP
Drop Rate x2 - Doubles the chance of finding items after battle.
500 GP
Experience x2 -Increase the experience earned in battle by double.
300 GP
Experience x5 -Increase the experience earned in battle by 5x.
2000 GP
Full Level - Retain your max level when you start a new game
5000 GP
Gald - Retain your Gald when you start a new game.
1000 GP
Gald x2 -Increase the Gald earned in battle by double.
300 GP
Link Gauge -Increase the rate of the Link Gauge by double.
500 GP
Material - Carry your material items over your next file.
500 GP
Material Point x2 - Increase the rates of material points by double.
300 GP
Max 30 Items - Increases the item limit to 30.
500 GP
Max 99 Items - Increases the item limit to 99.
1000 GP
Max AC +1 - Increase the max AC of your character by 1.
500 GP
Monster Data - Carry over your monster logs.
500 GP
Shop Level - Retain your shop level when you start a new game.
1000 GP
Skill SP 1- All skills are reduced to 1 SP
3000 GP
Special Item - Start a new game with Winged Boots and Arts Ball.
200 GP
Unlock All Skits -Unlock all skits. You can view skits at the libary option on your menu.
300 GP
Visual Item - Carry your appearance item (Costume, etc...) over your next file.
200 GP

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