
Tomb Raider Underworld

Cheat Codes
     Enter during gameplay, you will hear a sound if done correctly.

Bullet Proof Lara
     Hold [L2]. [X], [R2], [Triangle], [R2], [Square], [L1]

One Shot Kills
     Hold [L2]. [Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [Square], [L1], [Circle]

Shows Enemys Health
     Hold [L2]. [Square], [Circle], [X], [L1], [R2], [Triangle]

     All  items  can  be  found  under  the  "Extras" section once the
following conditions are met.

All Environment Concept Art for Arctic Sea and Amelia Concepts: 
Complete Arctic Sea Expedition

All Environment Concept Art for Coastal Thailand and Alister Concepts: 
Complete Coastal Thailand Expedition

All Environment Concept Art for Croft Manor and Doppelganger Concepts: 
Complete Croft Manor Expedition

All Environment Concept Art for Med Sea and Amanda Concepts: 
Complete Mediterranean Sea Expedition

All Environment Concept Art for Mexico and All Men Concepts: 
Complete Southern Mexico Expedition

All Environment Concept Art for Ship and Natla Concepts: 
Complete Andaman Sea Expedition

All Environment Concept Art for Jan Mayen Island and Gear & Artifacts 
Complete Ja Mayen Island Expedition

Creature Concepts: 
Collect every single Treasure

Game Flow Storyboards: 
Complete the entire game on the Master Survivalist difficulty level

Lara Concepts: 
Collect all six Relics

Zip and Winston Concepts: 
Complete Prologue

Unlockable Extras

Laras  Bathing  Suit:  
     Complete  the  game  on  any  dificulty  setting  and this becoms
unlocked  in treasure Hunt mode when you revisit the Mediterranean Sea

Treasure Hunt Mode: 
     Complete  the game on any difficulty to unlock Treasure Hunt mode
which  allows  you  to  revisit  all  levels to claim treasures/relics
missed through storm. 

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