

Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies.
Academy Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Astral Academy
All Boxes And No Play? (Silver)
Create 500 objects in a single level
Astral Introduction (Bronze)
Complete Astral Academy
Better Than Developers! (Silver)
Complete Tower of Sarek without any deaths on Very Hard difficulty
Castle Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Throne of the Lost
Caverns Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Crystal Caverns
Completed! (Silver)
Complete the entire game
Crypt Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Crypt of the Damned
Dungeon Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Forsaken Dungeons
Footskull Fan (Bronze)
Kill at least 50 monsters in a single level with the Knight?s Charge ability
Forest Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Fangle Forest
Forge Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Iron Forge
Graveyard Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Dragon Graveyard
Hallways Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Academy Hallways
Master Collector (Gold)
Collect all experience in the game
Master Ninja (Silver)
Complete 5 swings in a row to the same direction with the grappling hook
Mines Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Heartland Mines
Ruins Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Ruins of the Perished
Thicket Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Shadowthorn Thicket
Tower Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Tower of Sarek
Treasure Hunter (Gold)
Find all secret items in every level
Tripleshot! (Bronze)
Hit at least three different monsters with a single bow shot
Village Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Bramblestoke Village
Way Out of the Trine (Platinum)
Earn all Trophies in Trine
What a View! (Silver)
Build a tower with at least 12 Wizard-created objects and stand on top of the tower without collapsing it
What?s next? (Gold)
Complete the entire game on Very Hard difficulty
Whoops! (Silver)
Kill 3 monsters with a single physical object drop or throw
Wolvercote Master (Silver)
Collect all experience in Wolvercote Catacombs
Unlock 'Very Hard' Mode

'Very Hard' Mode
Complete the game once, on any difficulty.

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