
Trinity Universe

Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 22 Bronze Trophies, 9 Silver Trophies, 5 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Battle Mania (Silver)
To win the battle 500 times.
Bourgeois (Bronze)
To spend over 100000G in the shop.
Break Power (Bronze)
The TOTAL damage exceeds 100000.
Character Love (Gold)
The level of all the characters exceeds 100.
Creator (Bronze)
To discover 10 images.
Damage Hazard (Silver)
The TOTAL damage exceeds 300000.
Dreamer (Silver)
To discover 30 images.
Game Mania (Silver)
The evaluation point exceeds one million.
Gorgeous Road (Bronze)
To have over 100000000G.
Hero (Bronze)
To defeat 100 monsters.
Hit Mania (Silver)
The numbers of HIT exceeds 1000.
Legend (Silver)
To defeat 1300 monsters.
Managraphic Love (Bronze)
To spend over 1000000G in the atelier.
Material Star (Bronze)
To compose items 100 times.
Meteorlight Star (Bronze)
To make Meteorlights 100 times.
Monster Star (Bronze)
To create monsters 100 times.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum)
Acquire all the trophies.
Power King (Bronze)
The TOTAL damage exceeds 50000.
Power Soldier (Bronze)
The TOTAL damage exceeds 10000.
Shooting Star (Bronze)
The numbers of HIT exceeds 500.
Shop Owner (Gold)
To spend over 1000000000G in the shop.
Shopping Mania (Silver)
To spend over 10000000G in the shop.
Space Cleaner (Bronze)
The dungeon is drifted 10 times.
Space Clear (Silver)
The dungeon is drifted 50 times.
Space Hero (Gold)
To defeat 2000 monsters.
Space Traveler (Bronze)
You drift 50 times.
Speed Star (Bronze)
The numbers of HIT exceeds 300.
Stardust (Bronze)
The numbers of HIT exceeds 700.
Super Hero (Bronze)
To defeat 300 monsters.
Super Victory (Bronze)
To win the battle 100 times.
Treasure Hunter (Bronze)
To discover 30 concealed treasures.
Treasure Mania (Silver)
To discover 60 concealed treasures.
True End (Gold)
To clear the true scenario.
Ultimate Player (Gold)
The dungeon is drifted 100 times.
Ultra Hero (Bronze)
To defeat 800 monsters.
Ultra Victory (Bronze)
To win the battle 300 times.
Victory (Bronze)
To win the battle 30 times.
New Game +
Successfully complete the game to unlock new game+. It lets you play the game again with all the Items (including Abilities, Equipment, Managraphics, Meteorites, Recipes), Money and Universe Rank from your previous games. Unfortunately, all the unlocked characters and the level of all characters will be gone.

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