
X-Factor, The

There are 15 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies, 5 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Addict (Silver)
Sing at least 2 hours.
Battle (Bronze)
Perform 1 song in Battle mode.
Boot camp (Bronze)
Qualified for Boot camp.
Brilliant (Bronze)
Answer quiz correctly 3 times in the same career.
Bronze disc (Bronze)
Get a minimum of 6 000 points.
Competition (Bronze)
Complete 1 Competition.
Crazy night (Gold)
Sing at least 3 hours.
Duo (Bronze)
Perform 1 song in Duet mode.
Fashion victim (Silver)
Wear all customisation items.
Focused (Bronze)
Rehearse 1 song in same career.
Gold disc (Gold)
Get a minimum score of 15 000 points.
Grand slam (Gold)
Unlock all game tracks and customisation items.
Guardian angel (Silver)
Win the contest after being in the final showdown at each stage.
Harmony (Silver)
Perform all the songs in Duet mode.
Jack-of-all-trades (Silver)
Perform all the songs in Solo mode.
Judges' house (Bronze)
Qualified for the Judges' house.
Keen music lover (Silver)
Sing 50 songs.
Narrow escape (Bronze)
Escape a final showdown.
Omniscient (Bronze)
Answer quiz correctly 8 times in the same career.
On air (Bronze)
Qualified for the Live shows.
Piece of cake! (Silver)
Win the contest without ever being in the final showdown.
Professional (Bronze)
Rehearse 15 songs in the same career.
Real star (Silver)
Win the competition in Star mode.
Serious (Bronze)
Rehearse 8 songs in the same career.
Silver disc (Silver)
Get a minimum of 10 000 points.
Solo (Bronze)
Perform 1 song in Solo mode.
Star (Silver)
Finish 3 Live shows in first place during the same career.
Superstar (Gold)
Win the competition in Superstar mode.
The X Factor (Platinum)
Complete all the other trophies.
Viewers' favourite (Bronze)
Finish a Live show in first place.
Warm-up artist (Gold)
Sing 100 songs.

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