
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Unlock classic Wolverine
     To  unlock Wolverine's cartoon costume (The yellow and blue one),
enter  the  following  when  you can control Wolverine. After, you can
select the costume from the main menu.

[X], [Square], [Circle], [X], [Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [X], [Square], 
[Circle], [Circle], [Square], [R3] - unlock classic Wolverine costune

Unlock Alternate Costumes:
     Collect  three  action  figures  in a level to unlock a challenge 
agains a different costumed Wolverine. Beat him to unlock his costume. 
The costumes are Blue/yellow Classic Wolverine, Brown/yellow Legendary 
Wolverine & X-Force Wolverine.

     Complete  each  condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are
38  Bronze  Trophies,  10  Silver  Trophies,  2  Gold  Trophies, 
and 1 Platinum Trophy.

52 Pickup (Silver)            Defeated Remy LeBeau (Gambit)

A Day's Work (Bronze)         Killed 500 enemies

Aerial Assault (Bronze)       Performed 10 Air Grabs

Aerial Master (Bronze)        Got 6 enemies airborne at once

Apprentice (Bronze)           Raised One Combat Reflex to Master Level

Astonishing (Bronze)          Found 1/2 of all Dog Tags in the game

Bar Fight (Silver)            Defeated Victor Creed (Sabretooth)

Blender (Silver)              Killed 200 enemies with Claw Spin

Bloodlust (Bronze)            Killed 50 enemies while in Berserker mode

Boomerang (Bronze)            Killed 25 enemies 
                              with a reflected projectile

Catch! (Bronze)               Killed 1 enemy with a reflected projectile

Clean Up on all Aisles 
(Bronze)                      Destroyed all objects in the grocery store 
                              fight with Fred Dukes (The Blob)

Defensive (Bronze)            Performed 1 Counter move

Devil's Brigade (Silver)      Found all Dog Tags in the game

Drop Dead (Bronze)            Killed 10 enemies 
                              by throwing them off high areas

Efficient Killer (Bronze)     Quick Killed 20 enemies

Environmentally Friendly 
(Bronze)                      Killed 10 enemies 
                              using objects in the environment

Fallen Sentinel (Silver)      Defeated the Sentinel Mark I

Found! (Bronze)               You found a mysterious hatch!

Fully Loaded (Bronze)         Maxed out all upgrades

Getting Started (Bronze)      Killed 100 enemies

Heightened Senses (Bronze)    Killed 200 enemies in Feral Sense

Helicopter Ride (Silver)      Defeated David Nord (Agent Zero)

Hot Potato (Bronze)           Light 20 enemies on fire

James Howlett (Bronze)        Performed a Wolverine to Wolverine Lunge

Lunge (Bronze)                Lunged to 25 enemies

Mutant Lover (Bronze)         Raised one Mutagen to level 3

Perfect Killer (Bronze)       Quick Killed 3 enemies in a row

Piggy Back Ride (Bronze)      Lunged to a W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototype's back

Platinum (Platinum)           You collected all the trophies in Wolverine

Pounce (Bronze)               Lunged to 100 enemies

Put up your Dukes (Silver)    Defeated Fred Dukes (The Blob)

Quick Killer (Bronze)         Quick Killed 1 enemy

Samurai (Silver)              Raised All Combat Reflexes to Master Level

Shotgun Epic Fail (Bronze)    Killed 25 Ghosts with their own weapon

Slaughter House (Bronze)      Dismembered 100 enemies

Slice n' Dice (Bronze)        Killed 6 enemies with a single attack

Spillway Escape (Bronze)      Escapes from Weapon X

Stick Around (Bronze)         Impaled Victor Creed outside the Bar

The Cake (Bronze)             You found the cake, yummy!

The Dead Pool (Gold)          Defeated Weapon 11 (Deadpool)

The Village (Silver)          Completed the Jungle Mission

Threading the Needle (Bronze) Flew through the O ring 
                              in the Sentinel Boss Battle

Ultimate Wolverine (Bronze)   Fought 4 W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototypes 
                              at the same time and defeated them 
                              at Alkali lake

Untouchable (Bronze)          Performed 25 Counter moves

Walking Death (Gold)          Beat the game on Hard Difficulty

Weapon X (Bronze)             Killed 150 enemies while in Berserker mode

What I Do Best (Silver)       Killed 2000 enemies

Whatever it Takes (Bronze)    Killed 30 enemies using objects 
                              in the environment

WoW! (Bronze)                 You feel a cold as you examine the sword 
                              and skeleton. A rustle of wind 
                              in the trees faintly echoes the name Arthas

You Can't Hide (Bronze)       Lunged to 250 enemies

Hard difficulty
     Beat the game.

New Costumes
     Collecting  the  action  figures  throughout  the  game earns you
challenges where you face a Wolverine in a different costume. Beat the
challenge to unlock that particular costume.

Blue/Yellow Wolverine:        Classic Wolverine Challenge complete

Brown/Yellow Wolverine:       Legendary Wolverine Challenge complete

X-Force Costume:              X-Foce Wolverine Challenge complete 

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