
Crash: Mind Over Mutant

Cheat Codes
     While  playing story mode, pause the game. Hold [R] and press the
following  buttons  on  the D-pad very quickly! To deactivate a cheat,
enter its code again.

Crash freeze any enemy he touches:
     [Down], [Down], [Down], [Up]

Crash turns into a shadow:
     [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right]

Enemies leave behind 'Special fruit' (Purple fruit):
     [Up], [Down], [Down], [Up]

Enemies leave behind Super kick (Shoe):
     [Up], [Right], [Down], [Left]

Enemies leave behind x4 damage (Boxing glove):
     [Up], [Up], [Up], [Left]

Enimies leave behind Wumpa fruit (Yellow/Orange fruit):
     [Right], [Right], [Right], [Up]

Make diffrent parts of Crash bigger:
     [Left], [Left], [Left], [Down]

Unlock Crash Skins
     To  unlock  new  skins  for  crash  Crash, complete the following

Magmadon Skin:      Defeat the enemies with in the time limit. 
                    Located on the far side the village 
                    (Take the 'Roller' exit with all the Mojo). 
                    Talk to the cub
Ratcicle Skin:      Survive the time limit in the Ratcicle mini-game 
                    located at the purple blocks puzzle. 
                    Talk to the character on the right.

Skeleton Skin:      Survive the time limit in the Mt. Grimly mini-game. 
                    Located in the area you first encounter Yuktopus . 
                    Talk to Uka Uka.

Snipe Skin:         Defeat the enemies within the time limit in the Wumpa 
                    Minigame located where you fight Co-co. 
                    Talk to Crunch.

Spike Skin:         Survive the time limit in the Junkyard mimi-game 
                    located on a platform, get there by climbing 
                    the meshed wheel. Talk to the three headed mutant.

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