
Dead to Rights: Reckoning

Super Cop mode:
     Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting.

No damage mode:
     Successfully complete the Roof Tops level in Super Cop mode.

Infinite ammo:
     Successfully complete the Groove level in Super Cop mode.

Infinite adrenaline:
     Successfully complete the Back Streets level in Super Cop mode.

Incredibly fit dog mode:
     Successfully  complete  the  Under  Rink level in Super Cop mode.
This mode results in unlimited Shadow attacks.

Superdeform mode:
     Successfully  complete the Pink Starfish level in Super Cop mode.
This mode results in big head, feet, and hands.

Challenge mode:
     Successfully  complete  story  mode  under  the normal difficulty
setting to unlock challenge mode with normal difficulty.

Fists Of Flame mode:
     Successfully complete the Abattoir level in Super Cop mode.

Multi-player skins and levels:
     Successfully  complete  story  mode  under  the normal difficulty
setting. You will unlock a new skin or level for each level completed.

Cabal Boss multi-player skin:
     Successfully complete the Dock Yard level in Super Cop mode.

Maxine multi-player skin:
     Successfully complete the Manson level in Super Cop mode.

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