Character Job Classes
Gain job levels in the following classes to unlock more advanced ones.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Arithmetician Level 5 White Mage, level 5 Black Mage,
level 4 Mystic and level 4 Time Mage.
Archer Level 2 Squire
Bard Level 5 Summoner and level 5 Orator (Male only)
Black Mage Level 2 Chemist
Dancer Level 5 Dragoon and level 5 Geomancer (Female only)
Dark Knight Completely Master Knight and Black Mage,
kill (crystallize) 20 units, and reach level 8
with Dragoon, Ninja, Geomancer and Samurai
Dragoon Level 4 Thief
Geomancer Level 4 Monk
Knight Level 2 Squire
Monk Level 3 Knight
Mystic Level 3 White Mage
Ninja Level 5 Thief, level 4 Archer, level 2 Geomancer
Onion Knight Level 6 Squire and level 6 Chemist
Orator Level 3 Mystic
Samurai Level 5 Monk, level 4 Knight, level 2 Dragoon
Summoner Level 3 Time Mage
Thief Level 3 Archer
Time Mage Level 3 Black Mage
White Mage Level 2 Chemist
Mime Level 8 Squire and Chemist, level 5 Geomancer,
Dragoon, Orator, and Summoner.
Unlockable - Balthier from FFXII
1. When you reach Chapter 4, head over to The Mining Town of Gollund.
2. Check the "Rash of Thefts" rumor from the tavern.
3. Drop by The Merchant City of Dorter's tavern and
read the "A Call for Guards" rumor.
4. Leave town, and you'll automatically enter a battle.
5. Win with the help of Balthier, and he'll join the party.
Get Luso from FFTA2
To get Luso in your party, follow the following steps.
i). Go to the Zekalus Desert after the Orbonne Monastary battles
in Chapter 3.
ii). Once there, watch the FMV and complete the following battle.
iii). Congratulations, Luso is yours!
Unlocking the secret characters
There are five secret characters that can be attained in the
game, six if you count the two forms of Reis. The following list shows
how to get them all. NOTE: You must have Mustadio in your party to get
all of the secret characters, and all of these characters are aquired
in Chapter 4.
Beowulf: Read the rumors at Goland, go to Lesalia,
then agree to accompany Beowulf to Goland.
After a series of plot battles, he joins the party.
Biblos: Aquired after clearing all ten levels of
the Deep Dungeon.
Cloud: After returning Reis to human form, go to Goug.
Cloud will run off to Zarghidas after a scene.
After clearing Igros, go to Zargidas and win the fight.
Dragon Reis: Accompany Beowulf through Goland Coal City;
Reis is rescued during the final battle in the series.
Human Reis: Read the rumors at Zeltennia, buy a flower in Zarghidas,
then return to Goug. This unlocks a battle in Zeltennia,
and Reis takes human form afterward.
Worker 8: After rescuing Reis from Goland, return to Goug Machine
City. Worker 8 joins the party after a small scene.
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