
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

     Notice: Saving your game with cheats enabled may affect your game
statistics, and may cause glitches. Additionally, some codes cannot be

Weapons (tier 1):
     Press  Up,  Square,  Square,  Down,  Left,  Square, Square, Right
during  game  play.  The brass knuckles, knife, Molotov cocktails, 9mm
handgun, shotgun, Tec-9, AK-47, flamethrower, and sniper rifle will be
unlocked.  A message will confirm correct code entry. To get unlimited
ammunition  for this or the other weapons tiers, repeatedly enable the
code  until  no  ammunition  number  appears beneath the gun pictures.
Enabling  this code will cause your street creds to substantially drop
in points.

Weapons (tier 2):
     Press  Up,  Circle,  Circle,  Down,  Left,  Circle, Circle, Right
during  game  play.  The  katana  sword,  grenades, revolver, sawn-off
shotgun, Uzi, M16, rocket launcher, and laser scoped sniper rifle will
be  unlocked.  A  message  will  confirm  correct  code  entry. To get
unlimited  ammunition  for this or the other weapons tiers, repeatedly
enable  the  code  until  no ammunition number appears beneath the gun
pictures.   Enabling  this  code  will  cause  your  street  creds  to
substantially drop in points.

Weapons (tier 3):
     Press  Up,  X,  X,  Down, Left, X, X, Right during game play. The
chainsaw,  grenades,  revolver,  SMG,  combat  shotgun,  mini-gun, and
sniper  rifle  will  be  unlocked. A message will confirm correct code
entry.  To  get  unlimited  ammunition  for  this or the other weapons
tiers,  repeatedly  enable the code until no ammunition number appears
beneath  the  gun  pictures. Enabling this code will cause your street
creds to substantially drop in points.

Body armor:
     Press  L,  R,  Circle,  L, R, X, L, R during game play. A message
will confirm correct code entry.

Full health:
     Press  L,  R,  X,  L, R, Square, L, R during game play. A message
will confirm correct code entry. If this code is enabled when your car
is smoking or damaged it will get repaired.

Wanted level disabled:
     Press L, L, Triangle, R, R, X, Square, Circle during game play. A
message  will confirm correct code entry. If this code is enabled, you
can never have a wanted level.

Wanted level increased:
     Press  L,  R,  Square,  L,  R, Triangle, L, R during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

     Press  L,  R,  Triangle,  L,  R, Circle, L, R during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Drive on water:
     Press  Circle,  X,  Down, Circle, X, Up, L, L during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Spawn Rhino:
     Press L, L, Left, L, L, Right, Triangle, Circle during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Spawn Trashmaster:
     Press Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, Up, L1, L1 during
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Black traffic:
     Press  Circle,  Circle,  R1,  Triangle, L1, Square, Square during
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

White traffic:
     Press  X,  X,  R1,  Circle, Circle, L1, Triangle, Triangle during
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Chrome traffic:
     Press  Triangle, R1, L1, Down, Down, R1, R1, Triangle during game
play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Change motorcycle tire size:
     Press  Circle,  Right,  X,  Up,  Right, X, L1, Square during game
play.  A  message  will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to
cycle the tire sizes between large, small, and normal.

Destroy all cars:
     Press  L,  L,  Left,  L,  L, Right, X, Square during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Aggressive drivers:
     Press  Square,  Square,  R,  X,  X, L, Circle, Circle during game
play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Traffic lights always green:
     Press  Triangle, Triangle, R, Square, Square, L, X, X during game
play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Random pedestrian costumes:
     Press L, L, Left, L, L, Right, Square, Triangle during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Sunny weather:
     Press L, L, Circle, R, R, Square, Triangle, X during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Clear weather:
     Press  Up, Down, Circle, Up, Down, Square, L, R during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Overcast weather:
     Press  Up,  Down, X, Up, Down, Triangle, L, R during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Rainy weather:
     Press  Up, Down, Square, Up, Down, Circle, L, R during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Foggy weather:
     Press  Up,  Down, Triangle, Up, Down, X, L, R during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Pedestrians riot:
     Press  L, L, R, L, L, R, Left, Square during game play. A message
will confirm correct code entry.

Pedestrians attack you:
     Press  L, L, R, L, L, R, Up, Triangle during game play. A message
will confirm correct code entry.

Pedestrians have weapons:
     Press R, R, L, R, R, L, Right, Circle during game play. A message
will confirm correct code entry.

Pedestrians follow you:
     Press  Down,  Down, Down, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, L, R during
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Faster gameplay:
     Press  R, R, L, R, R, L, Down, X during game play. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Slower gameplay:
     Press  R, Triangle, X, R, Square, Circle, Left, Right during game
play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Faster game time:
     Press  L,  L,  Left,  L,  L, Right, Circle, X during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Better handling vehicles:
     Press L, Up, Left, R, Triangle, Circle, Down, X during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Big head mode:
     Press Down, Down, Down, Circle, Circle, X, L, R during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Upside down:
     Press  Down,  Down,  Down, X, X, Square, R, L during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Upside down (alternate):
     Press  X,  X,  X,  Down,  Down,  Right,  L, R during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Commit suicide:
     Press L, Down, Left, R, X, Circle, Up, Triangle during game play.
A message will confirm correct code entry.

View game credits:
     Press L, R, L, R, Up, Down, L, R during game play. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Unknown Effect:
     Press  L,  Up,  Right,  R,  Triangle, Square, Down, X during game
play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Unknown Effect:
     Press  X,  Square,  Down, X, Square, Up, R, R during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.

Unknown Effect:
     Press  Square,  Triangle, Down, Square, Triangle, Up, R, R during
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Советы наших посетителей (1)

Прислал: волк
Если нужно что-то (кого-то) уничтожить, то введите код на танк (L1, L1, влево, L1, L1, вправо, треугольник, круг) и стреляйте по цели.

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (1)

Автор: Metako
Улучшенная ГТА3 на портативную консоль. Добавилась возможность пробивать шины, появились мотоциклы и вертолёты, увеличилось количество оружия, добавлены новые машины. Графика осталась прежней, ГТАшной. Так же есть и баги (наподобие головы, торчащей из крышы автомобиля). Игра затягивает благодаря сюжету и старому доброму Либерти Сити :)

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