
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G

Gallery Area Movies
     The  area  movies  are  unlocked  by  doing your first quest at a
specific area.
     At the beginning from the quest you will see a cut-scene

     For all areas except tower this happens at the base camp.
     For  the tower intro you must head to Area 1 first to trigger 
the cut-scene.

Unlockable:              How to Unlock:

Beach Intro              Do 1 quest at the beach area.

Desert Intro             Do 1 quest at the desert area.

Forest & Hills Intro     Do 1 quest at the Forest & Hills area.

Mountains Intro          Do 1 quest at the mountain area.

Swamp Intro              Do 1 quest at the swamp area.

Tower Intro              Do 1 quest at the tower area.

Volcano Intro            Do 1 quest at the volcano area.

Monster Intro Gallery Movies
     Gallery  movies can be unlocked by encountering certain monsters,
as well as doing certain things in the game.

     The  intro  movies  are  the  cutscenes  you  will  see  when you
encounter a monster for the very first time.

Unlockable:              How to Unlock:

Babakonga Intro          Encounter a Babakonga

Diablos Intro            Encounter a Diablos

Dodobrango Intro         Encounter a Dodobrango

Dos Fango Intro          Encounter a Dos fango

Gizami Intro             Encounter a Gizami

Gravios Intro            Encounter a Gravios

Khezu Intro              Encounter a Khezu

Kusharudaora Intro 1     Do the purple dress lady urgent quest

Kusharudaora Intro 2     Encounter a Kusharudaora in the mountains

Monoblos Intro           Encounter a Monoblos

Nana Teskatory Intro 1   Do the Nana teskatory urgent quest

Nana Teskatory Intro 2   Do the Nana teskatory quest at the tower

Rathalos Intro           Encounter a Rathalos

Rathian Intro            Encounter a Rathian

Velocidrome Intro        Encounter a Velocidrome

Yian Kut Ku Intro        Encounter a Yian Kut Ku

Zazami Intro             Encounter a Zazami

Kirin Intro              Encounter Kirin at the Mountain Area

Lao Shan Lung Intro      Do the lao shan lung quest requested 
                         by the legendary blacksmith

Oonazuchi Intro          Encounter Oonazuchi at the Forest & Hills Area

Teo Teskatoru Intro      Encounter Teo teskatoru at the Volcano Area

Akantor                  Encounter Akantor

Fatalis Intro            Encounter Fatalis

Crimson Fatalis Intro    Encounter Crimson Fatalis

Ancient (White) 
Fatalis Intro            Encounter Ancient Fatalis

Ucamulbu Intro           Encounter Ucamulbu

Hypnoc Intro             Encounter Hypnoc

Yamatukami Intro         Encounter Yamatukami

Narugakaruga Intro       Encounter Narugakaruga

Volganos Intro           Encounter Volganos

Rahjan Intro             Encounter a Rahjan 
                         in the Elder Dual Rahjan quest

Giadrome Intro           Encounter a Giadrome

Cephadrome Intro         Encounter a Cephadrome

Gypceros Intro           Encounter a Gypceros

Yian Garuga Intro        Encounter a Garuga

Special Trailers Gallery
     These gallery movies are unlocked by completing the following tasks:

Unlockable      How to Unlock
Alternate intro movie   Kill Nana teskatory at the tower
Game credits    Kill Nana teskatory at the tower

Monster Ecology Movies

Unlockable:              How to Unlock:

Babakonga ecology        Slay a Babakonga

Kusharudaora ecology     Slay the kusharudaora at the Mountain area

Zazami ecology           Slay the zazami in the desert crab urgent quest

Diablos ecology          Slay a Diablos

Hypnoc ecology           Slay a Hypnoc

Volganos ecology         Slay a Volganos

Narugakaruga ecology     Slay a Narugakaruga

Akantor ecology          Slay an Akantor

Yamatukami ecology       Slay Yamatukami

Plesioth ecology         Slay a Plesioth

Rathian ecology          Slay a Rathian

Khezu ecology            Slay a Khezu

Tigrex ecology           Slay a Tigrex

Gravios ecology          Slay a Gravios

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