
Plants vs. Zombies

Various cheats
At the title screen once unlocked. Note: Some codes require your Tree of Wisdom to be of a certain height before they will work.
Cheat code
Gives a shower of candy when a zombie dies
Gives zombies futuristic shades
Makes the zombies dance
Mowers become super mowers
Toggles the zombies call for brains-sound
Zombies have mustaches
Zombies leave small daisies behind when you kill them
There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Alive and Planting (Silver)
Survive 40 waves of pure zombie ferocity
Close Shave (Bronze)
Survive the zombie onslaught after all lawnmowers have been used
Crash of the Titan (Bronze)
Defeat your first Gargantuar
Explodonator (Bronze)
Blast 10 zombies at once with a Cherry Bomb!
Home Lawn Security (Gold)
Complete adventure mode
Master of Morticulture (Silver)
Collect all 49 plants in the game
Nom Nom Nom (Silver)
Stop the horde using only the Sunflower, Wall-Nut, and Chomper on any level
Shopaholic (Bronze)
Go trunk diving and spend at least $25,000 on Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies
Smarty Branches (Bronze)
Grow the Tree of Wisdom to at least 100 feet
Soil Your Plants (Bronze)
Plant your first 10 peashooters
Versus vs Versus (Silver)
Go on a 5 game winning streak in VS. mode
ZFF's 4 Evr (Bronze)
Bowl a winner with a friend in Co-Op Wall-Nut Bowling

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