
Digimon World 2

     During  the  game  you  will  be  able  to  trade one Digimon for
another. The digimon you get is usually better than the one you trade.

Trade: ToyAgumon
     Receive: SnowAgumon

Trade: Crabmon
     Receive: Wizardmon

Trade: Numemon
     Receive: Megadramon

Trade: Garurumon
     Receive: MangaAngemon

Trade: Nise Drimogemon
     Receive: Metal Mamemon

Trade: Dark Tyrannomon
     Receive: Myotismon

Digimon Level Limit:
     to   know  what's  your  new  digimon's  level  limit  after  DNA
digivolving  is  a  simple formula. first digimon + second digimon/5 =
third  digimon.  what  this means is that you get the digimon with the
lowest level round it to the nearest multiple of 5, then you divide it
by  5  and  what you get you added to the digimon of the highest level
and what you get it's your new digimon's limit level.

Get DP DNA Digivolve With Another Digimon:
     To get Devimon, you DNA digivolve icedevimon 3 times with another
digimon.  To  get Angemon you DNA digivolve patamon in his champions 8
times  he  will  first  be  Ninjamon  then  Starmon then Wizardmon and
finally  Angemon.  For  Gatomon  you DNA digivolve Leomon with Orgemon
three times then digivolve Toyagumon to Gatomon.

How to get Metal Trannomon:
     First  get  a  Betamon with 6 DP to get Tuskmon at level 11. Then
get  him  to  ultimate  at  level 21 to get Metal Trannomon. Levels of
digivolving- 11 champion, 21 ultimate, 31 mega.

How to get Metalgreymon:
     Go  to bios domain & you will see Metalgreymon, he will run away.
You  will  see  him  again on the boss floor if you go left instead of
right.  Use  the Toy Plane you received earlier. Make sure you have at
least one, or two champion digimon because he is at EL 21.

How to Get Wargreymon:
     When  you  get megadramon at digimon center and metalgrey at BIOS
domain  get  them  to  level  27 and Dna digivole them to Greymon then
metalgreymon then wargreymon. It will have a maxium level of 33.

Omnimon and Baiuhmon and Kimeramon:
     To  get  omnimon  dna  digivole 20 times to get 20 Dp or pass the
game  and  get  him  in  Tera  Domain. Bauihmon get two digimon to get
gotsumon  20  times  For  20  DP. Kimeramon he's in trea domain a data
type. He Appears randomly 1 out of 666 of a chance.

Alternate Ending Seqeunce:
     View the opening sequence twice to see Blackwargreymon instead of
Wargreymon  in  the animation at the beginning of the game. Note: This
does not unlock him during the game.

Buy All Items to Catch Digimon:
     Once  you  get the generator parts in the first room in the dome,
talk the man on the top right. He will sell all the items that you can
buy when you join a club.

Digivoliving Levels:
     All  Digimon  are  able  to  Digivolve at level 11 (Champion), 21
(Ultimate), and 31 (Mega).

     When  you get to rank 4 normal tamer in the colosium leomon gives
you  a  dp  chip  which  you  can use to give one of your digimon 1 dp
point.  When  you get to rank 5 pro tamer in the colosium leomon gives
you a toy plane which is a level A gift and works on all digimon. When
you  get  to  rank  6  expert tamer leomon gives you an EXdriver which
recovers the status of all your digimon.

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Автор: Achtung!
Игра, на первый взгляд, может показаться немного нудноватой, но стоит только вникнуть в суть, и тогда она поглотит тебя полностью. Я сам лично проходил её около 3-х раз на PSX и ещё раз 12 на PC при помощи эмулятора PCSX на 200 FPS - мне так она понравилась ещё больше. Одним словом, игрушка действительно хорошая, если играть на большой скорости (и сохраняться как можно чаще).

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