


Unlock code for the door:
     Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Down, Up.

Easy level up for water magic:
     If  you  reach  a  save  point don't recover right away. Take any
character  with  water magic and spend all of their MP casting healing
spells. This will give you Water magic experience points. Then step on
the save point and recover. This way you can get water experience, but
recover the mp right away

Beat Final Boss Easily:
     First  you  have to beat Ball, this can be easy or hard depending
on  your  level.  The easiest way is to have Rapp use Demon Ball twice
then attack to save Sp, Fenna use Zapwhip then dragonzap then have her
attack,  Liete  use all heal or symphony if your life is high and have
Justin  equipped  with Spirit Sword and Ashura as Accessory. Then just
attack  to save SP. Attack Ball and ignore his partners. When you have
done  this  go  on  the drop again to travel to the top floor. Get the
items  and  use  Liete spells to heal up then use an SP potion to heal
your  magic  and  the  gold  potions to heal Sp. Go to the hallway and
engage  in  battle  with Gaia. Use the same method but have Justin use
Midair  Cut. Don't use any thing with magic evolved or his last attack
I  do  not  know  what it is because I did not need it. The Mega-Gaias
should  be  your  first  target to keep them from producing more guys.
Ignore  the  ones  they  produce because after you kill them they come
back.  After  you  kill the Mega-Gaias they die anyway. Take down both
and  then go after Gaia. Just attack because I was to fast for him and
he  did  not hit me once. After he dies you have to beat his heart. He
did  not  hit  me  once,  all  he  used  was cold and my guys were not
effected. After this you beat the game.

Beat the first Gaia:
     To  defeat  the  first  Gaia  you will need free experience. When
Gadwin  and  Sue  leave  your party they leave experence in books. Use
these books on Justin and Feena. Concentrate on attacking Gaia's body,
not  the arms. Once the body is gone the Gaia is destroyed. Use Midair
Cut,  Burnflare, Milda Kick, and Rapp's missle or discutter will finsh
the  Gaia  quickly.  Just  to  be  on  the  safe  side heal as much as

Ganydemede strategies:
     Use  your  strongest moves for about 10 turns and he's finshed.(I
beat this boss in 5 minutes)

Hidden Mission:
     To  access a bonus stage, go to the Zil Dessert on Disc 2. In the
southern part of the desert, there should be a path in the canyon wall
that  leads  to the castle of dreams. (If you still cannot find it, go
south from the desserts exit alog the wall.) This area is just a place
to gain exp and obtain the Lightning sword.

Hidden Mission: Soldier Graveyard:
     To  access the hidden mission "Soldier Graveyard", you must enter
the  Zil Desert by way of Cafu (the real entrance). Once you are clear
of  the  trees  head  right  until you see a small brown building with
massive  doors.  This  building  leads to the hidden mission...but the
enemies there give very little experience, so this site is not as good
for training as the "Dream Castle" or even the Zil Desert itself.

Master Chang strategies:
     You  fight  this  battle  in the Church of parm. To defeat Master
Chang  use  Howl  magic, V-slash, Puffy Kick, and Sue's water magic to
keep you alive.

Nana,Saki,and Mio strategies:
     You  fight these bosses in Garlyle Base. Use the same tactics for
each   girl.   Use  howlslash,  W-break,  Burnflame,  Puffy  kick  and
combos.(Note  Nana  is  weak  against  knifes,  Saki is weak against a
V-slash attack, and Mio is weak against everything.)

Orc King strategies:
     You fight this boss in Leck Mines. Kill the Orcs first. To defeat
this menace use V-slash and Puffy kick. Watch out for his fire breath.

Rock Bird strategies:
     This  is  the  boss you fight in Sult Ruins. To kill this quickly
use  Justin's  V-slash  and  have Sue use Rah-Rah if nessasary. Attack
with combos after Sp runs out.

Squid King strategies:
     This  is the Boss you fight on the Ghost Ship. This is one of the
hardest  Bosses  you  will encounter. The only way you will win is the
dis-honorable  way. Use Feena's Flame attacks and Justin's V-slash and
have  Sue  heal any time to any one who is not at maxium HP.(Note: You
will  die  if  you don't use Flame Magic. Also you get your first Mana
Egg here, use it to get Sue some water spells.)

Easy exp points:
     To gain HEAPS of exp. go to the Petrified Forest(2) and fight the
alligator's!  They  give you 1200 exp! (but cannot be hurt by anything
but  magic  or  a level 35 person (my level 35 only took out 16 damage
and they have 300 (I think)!)

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Автор: Shana
Одна из величайших и масштабных консольных jrpg-игр. Небольшую слабинку в графике компенсирует великолепный, непредсказуемый сюжет. Характер каждого героя тщательно продуман и проигран. Кроме того, неплохая система боя. Как и во многих jrpg, кажется, что ты подошел уже к самому финалу, но нет - история продолжается, развиваются герои, и ты сам уже не имеешь ни малейшего желания с ними так быстро расстаться. Минусы - герои говорят на "неродном" английском. Ну, и текстовой перевод иногда выдает небольшой бред, хотя это иногда даже скрашивает игру. Короче говоря, играть, играть и еще раз ИГРАТЬ!

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