
Grand Theft Auto

Cheat Codes :
     Enter  one  of  the  following  codes as a player name. Note: All
codes  in  the  game  may  be used in combinations. Enter and accept a
code,  then  go to "Rename" and enter another code. Your character can
also be renamed to any desired name after the last code is entered.

Codes with multiple features:
     Enter  "BSTARD"  as  a  player  name  for  all  weapons, infinite
ammunition,  level  selection, ninety-nine lives, armor, a "Get Out Of
Jail  Free" card, coordinate display, maximum wanted level, and the 5x

     Enter  "THESHIT"  as  a  player  name  for  all weapons, infinite
ammunition,  level  selection, ninety-nine lives, armor, a "Get Out Of
Jail Free" card, and the 5x bonus.

     Enter  "MADEMAN"  as  a  player  name  for  all weapons, infinite
ammunition, level selection, armor, and a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

     Enter  "GROOVY"  as  a  player  name  for  all  weapons, infinite
ammunition, armor, and a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

     Enter  "PECKINPAH" as a player name for armor, all weapons, and a
"Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

     Enter "HANGTHEDJ" for all cities, money, and all weapons.

Level select:
     Enter  "SKYBABIES"  as  a  player  name to choose any level up to
"Mandarin Mayhem".

All cities:
     Enter "TURF" or "INGLORIOUS" as a player name.

All cities (1 and 2):
     Enter "CAPRICE" as a player name.

City skip:
     Enter "WEYHEY" as a player name to instantly collect 9999990 points.

Liberty City (1 and 2):
     Enter "FECK" as a player name.

Liberty City (1 and 2) and San Andreas City levels:
     Enter "TVTAN" as a player name.

All cities (1 and 2), except Vice City (1 only):
     Enter "URGE" as a player name.

Ninety-nine lives:
     Enter "SATANLIVES" as a player name.

5x multiplier:
     Enter "EXCREMENT" as a player name.

Maximum wanted level:
     Enter "EATTHIS" as a player name to set the wanted level to four.

Display coordinates:
     Enter "BLOWME" as a player name.

No police:
     Enter "CHUFF" as a player name.

Invincibility (PAL version):
     At  the  main menu, press Square, Triangle, Circle, X(2), Circle,
Triangle, Square.

Easy Guranga:
     Go  up  to  a  group  of Gurangas, or the groups of people making
noise  and running around following each other. Now, don't shoot them,
but  instead  beat  up  the  person  in  the front. If you beat him up
enough, they will start following you almost anywhere. It's a good way
to  get  a  guranga  with  a machine gun, flame thrower, or other high
powered weapon of death.

Easy Tank:
     On  the  first  city, access the second scene (Heist All Mighty.)
When  you  start,  run  somebody  over  and  wait for the ambulance to
arrive. When it does, nick it and drive to the army base, drive in and
you can nick the tank.

Play your own music:
     Pick any stage. After the loading screen pause the game. Take out
GRAND  THEFT  AUTO  and  put  in  your favorite music cd. Whenever you
hijack a car it will play a random song from the cd.

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