
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Cheat Codes:
     Enter  one  of  the  following  codes as a player name. Note: All
codes  in  the  game  may  be used in combinations. Enter and accept a
code,  then  go to "Rename" and enter another code. Your character can
also be renamed to any desired name after the last code is entered.

Codes with multiple features:
     Enter  "HAROLDHAND" as a player name for all levels, all weapons,
infinite  ammunition,  "Get  Out  Of  Jail  Free"  card, armor, parrot
picture,  9,999,990 points, ninety-nine lives, 5x multiplier, no cops,
display coordinates.

     Enter  "GETCARTER"  as a player name for all levels, all weapons,
infinite  ammunition,  "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, armor, ninety-nine
lives, 5x multiplier, maximum wanted level, display coordinates.

     Enter  "FREEMANS"  as  a player name for all levels, all weapons,
infinite   ammunition,   "Get  Out  Of  Jail  Free"  card,  armor,  5x

     Enter  "DONTMESS" or "TOOLEDUP" as a player name for all weapons,
infinite ammunition, "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, armor.

     Enter  "SORTED"  as  a  player  name for all levels, all weapons,
infinite ammunition, "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, armor.

All levels:
     Enter "RAZZLE" or "READERWIFE" as a player name.

London levels 1 and 2:
     Enter "MAYFAIR" as a player name.

London levels 1 through 3:
     Enter "PENTHOUSE" as a player name.

Ninety-nine lives:
     Enter "MCVICAR" as a player name.

9,999,990 points:
     Enter "BIGBEN" as a player name.

5x multiplier:
     Enter "SIDEBURN" as a player name.

Maximum wanted level:
     Enter "OLDBILL" as a player name.

No cops:
     Enter "GRASS" as a player name.

Display coordinates:
     Enter "SWEENEY" as a player name.

Play your own CD:
     Pause game play replace the game disc with an audio CD.

Crawl under fences:
     Take  a  vehicle that you can crawl under and park it lengthwise,
facing a fence. Go to the back and press R1 to crawl underneath. Note:
Make sure that you can get back out before trying this.

Finding the tank:
     Go to Hyde Park (39,10) while playing on level 3.

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