
Monster Rancher

Ape Monster 
     To  get  the ape you need a magic banana which can be found in an
adventure  with  Karn in the jungle. In the jungle, look for the place
where  the  kings  once  lived.  Have  your  monster  check it out and
eventually  you'll  find  the banana. Once you have it you now need to
have  two spoiled monsters. The easiest way to spoil them is give them
meat  each month and let them rest all month. After you've spoiled two
of  them, freeze them both, the combine them with the magic banana. It
will  say the combination will create an Asfar or a Boxer, but because
of  the magic banana it will create an ape. Be warned: this monster is
extremely lazy.

     To  get  the  ultimate monster you must be a master breeder. When
you  are  about  to  breed a new monster, insert the PSX game "Tecmo's
Deception" to create a secret character called Ardebaren.

Build Up Loyalty Level 
     It's very hard to fight when your monster's loyalty level is low,
but  you  can  easily  increase  it. Simply take your monster back and
forth between the Town and Ranch and check your monster's data at each
stop.  Every  time  you  return  to  the Ranch, your monster's loyalty
should increase by 5!
     Note:  Your  raising style will turn VERY strict if you do this a
lot. That may be a good way to "unspoil" your monster if your style is
Committee Permission 
     To  get the committee's permission to breed a special monster you
must first obtain one of the pure monsters that make it up.

Dragon Monster 
     Work  your  way up to B class. There is a battle called the Trial
Cup  in the 4th week of April. There is a dragon at this match. Defeat
that  dragon  and  get  up to A class as fast as you can. When you get
there  you  should sometime get invited to the August invitational. It
is the 4th week of August. Defeat the black dragon in that and recieve
the  DRAGON  TUSK  as  your  prize.  Breed  the  DRAGON  TUSK with the
DINO-NAGA and NAGA-DINO to get the Dragon Monster.

     To get a ghost have to let a monster die. It works best if it has
a evil origon (Evil Hare, Monol, ect.) and if it raised crully. Get it
to  class  C and kill it. Get a new monster (If you use a monster that
has  been  frozen  it will not work!) Enter the new monster in a FIMBA
tornement  (save week before.) At the end of the tornement(it donsen't
matter  if  you  win or loose.) If you get lucky after you choose what
you  want  to  feed him Holly will freak out. This means he is cursed.
Since  there  is  only  1/16  (some  people  say  1/6)  chance of this
happening  if it diddn't just reset loaded game and try agian. It will
work  it is random if it will be cursed. Once you get a cursed monster
combine it with any monster and get a ghost.

Henger Monster 
     To  get  HENGER  you  need  to  find the 5 DOLL PIECES during the
DESERT  EXPEDITION.  Next,get  your monster to A class and you will be
invited  to  the  WINTER INVITATIONAL with the DOLL HEAD as the prize.
After  you  win, Tesca will put the 5 pieces together for you and give
you  the  CLAY  DOLL. he explains that you need to take an intelligent
creature  (550-999),  along  with  the  CLAY  DOLL,  to the previously
     After  reading the TABLET, that monster will have a circular mark
on  his  back. combine that creature, along with any other one and use
the  CLAY  DOLL.  HENGER has high STR, SKI, SPD, INT and lives for 6-9
Magic Monster 
     First you must find a pure Gali and a pure Monol then combine the
two  and  add  the item Old Mirror (which you can get on an expedition
with Karn.)
     The lab man will say this is a bad combination, but go ahead with
it. After they are combined, you will get the Magic monster.
Milky Way Monster 
     To get the monster Milky Way you need the computer demo disk from
issue  #36 of Next Generation magazine. This should give you a monster
named Milky Way with its main part Gali and its sub part ???(unknown).

Nya Monster 
     This  is  pretty  simple to do. You just have to get to about the
year  1026,  checking the items shop periodically to get him to reveal
his  new  items  to  you. The sixth or seventh new item he will get is
called  the cat doll. buy one for 1000G and use that when breeding any
two monsters. You will receive the coveted Nya monster.

Scribble, Sketch and Doodle 
     To get a Scribble, breed a pure Monol and get it's fame above 80.
Now  enter a lower class tournament and drop your fame below 65. After
the tournament your monster will be covered with grafitti.

     To produce a Doodle, breed a Scribble with another Monol.

     To get a Sketch, combine a Scribble with any other monster.
Secret Song 
     Put  the  CD  in your CD player. Skip to track 2 and play it. You
will be rewarded with some extremely bizarre music.

     After  breeding  an  ape  monster,  you  can  put in a Billy Joel
greatest  Hits  CD  and  you will get Shades, a monster with excellent

Worm Hatching 
     To hatch your worm into a random/worm just raise your worm as you
normaly  would  and  when its 3 years old make sure it's very well the
week  of  the  official june tournament. If done correctly after Holly
tells you about the tournament the screen will go black and then there
will be a large cocoon in the center of the screen.
     Tips: To get what you want, save on the 3rd week of June and keep
hatching until you get what you want. Also work out on the traits that
your worm is good at(a rock worm gains power easily so work on that)so
your monster is really fast, strong, smart, etc. Have fun, I've gotten
a lot of good monsters this way.
     You  can  get a zombie from the Spawn soundtrack, but you'll need
the committee's permission.

Frozen Monsters 
     If  you  raise  a  monster  on the 4th week of the month, feed it
meat,  freeze  it,  take  it out on the 4th week of the new month, and
repeat  then  your  monster will be immortal if you don't fight it too
much  and  if  it  doesn't  take  lifespan  hits because of stress and

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