
RC Racer

Cheat codes:

All gates unlocked:
     Enter exploration mode and complete three laps. Then, enter "OPN"
as  a  name.  Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X at the "OK" prompt to
confirm the name.

Get power-up when you enter a gate:
     Enter exploration mode and complete three laps. Then, enter "POW"
as  a  name.  Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X at the "OK" prompt to
confirm the name.

Slow-motion mode:
     Enter exploration mode and complete three laps. Then, enter "SLO"
as  a  name.  Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X at the "OK" prompt to
confirm the name.

Alternate views:
     Select  time  attack mode, choose any track, and enter "CAM" as a
name. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X at the "OK" prompt to confirm
the name. Exit the track and press L1 to access three new views.

Bonus Area: Phantom Dish:
up  to  the  stone  wall. There will be to little ramps leading to the
wall. Both are on either side of a door. Go up both ramps and when you
hit  the wall stop, this will push in two large bricks. Go to the door
in the middle of the two ramps and run into it, this will make it open
and you'll be in the bonus area.

Lock all gates and get a super bonus gate:
     When  you do the unlock all gate code, do it again after you have
unlocked  all the gates to close the gates and then a golden gate will
open for you to enter with the super bonus gates.

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