
Road Rash Jailbreak

Cheat Menu:
     To  enter  these cheat codes, go to the multiplayer option in the
options menu, hold R1 + R2 + L1 + Right and hit X.

BDK -- 5-0 Mode 
FDMFG -- Four Nitros in Jailbreak Mode 
KLFSDA -- Jailbreak Mode 
CMB -- Sidecar mode 

Quick Start:
     Click solo and then when the numbers get to 2 hold L1 and x

To Avoid an Arrest:
     To avoide an arrest , when a cop pulls you over hit start and hit
restart.(The same as Road Rash 3D)

Cattle Prod:
     To  get a cattle prod, when a cop comes to bust you use your hand
and as soon as he is about to shock you press R1.

To Get Off Your Bike:
     Press Up + L1 + R1.

Get out off crash:
     When you are about to crash into a car press up + X, X

Get on bike quicker after crash:
     Once you crash, wait until you get up and push triangle to get to
your  bike  without  having  to  walk  to it. This will put you in the
middle of the road facing the correct direction.

Jumping wheelie:
     To  get big air, right before hiting a SMALL car make sure you're
doing a wheelie. [NOTE it won't work with a side car]

Throw man off side car:
     In multiplayer mode, try the side car matches. Then tap L2 + Down
+ Square. This should throw your man off the bike

Drive a scooter:
     To  go  on a scooter instead of the motorcycle. Beat all the Jail
Break  mode  and  then play as cop and robber and beat the robber in 2
min and the scooter will be unlocked.

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