
Soviet Strike

Cheat Codes:
     Enter these codes at the password screen.

     People follow you everywhere

     Natives worship your chopper

     World peace (no shooting)

     More powerful weapons

     Double damage

     Unlimited fuel

     Infinite armor

     Unlimited ammo, fuel, and attempts

     4 attempts

     7 attempts

     Infinite ammo

     Infinite fuel

     Double fuel mileage

     Infinite ammo, infinite fuel, infinite attempts

     Infinite ammo, infinite fuel, invincible chopper

Infinite Lives:
     For  infinite  lives,  enter  any level password, but don't press
Start.  Instead,  press  Triangle  to  clear  your entry and then type

1 -- worstcase
2 -- grandtheft
3 -- grozney
4 -- chernobyl
5 -- civilwar 

Take Nick Arnold to the restroom:
     On  the first level, the second mission is to rescue Nick Arnold.
Immediately  after this is done, fly to your base and turn left. There
should  be a co-pilot landing zone and a little shack. The shack is an
outhouse. Land there and Nick will use it.

Christmas secret:
     Look in the south-eastern corner of the Crimea strike map to find
Santa Claus and the reindeer getting ready to depart for the holidays.
Shoot  the  sleigh without hitting Santa or the reindeer to receive an
extra life.

     On  the  level  where  the  reactor  blows  up,  destroy  all the
buildings on the radioactive rivers, and inside some of them there are
power-ups, like the super-gun.

     Also,  if  you  destroy the big mansion, then elvis comes out and
goes 'uh-huh-huh' when you shoot him.

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