
Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian

Level skip (NTSC version):
     Have  Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note:
To  sidestep,  hold R2 and press the D-Pad in the indicated direction.
To  walk, hold R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. Both
R1  and  R2  should  be  released when spinning or jump ing.) Sidestep
left,  sidestep right, sidestep left, walk one step back, and walk one
step forward. Release R1, then spin at least three times in a complete
circle  in  any  direction.  Finally, jump forwards and turn around in
mid-air  by  pressing  Up  +  Square  ,  Circle  (assuming the default
controller configuration).

Level skip (PAL version):
     Have  Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note:
To  walk,  hold  R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. R1
should  be  released  when  spinning  or jumping.) Press L2 to light a
flare.  Walk  one  step forward, walk one step back. Relea se R1, then
spin  at least three times in a complete circle in any direction. Jump
forward  by  pressing  Up  +  Square  (assuming the default controller

All weapons (NTSC version):
     Have  Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note:
To  sidestep,  hold R2 and press the D-Pad in the indicated direction.
To  walk, hold R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. Both
R1  and  R2  should  be  released when spinning or jump ing.) Sidestep
left,  sidestep right, sidestep left, walk one step back, and walk one
step forward. Release R1, then spin at least three times in a complete
circle  in  any  direction. Finally, jump backwards and turn around in
mid-air  by  pressing  Down  +  Squ  are, Circle (assuming the default
controller configuration).

All weapons (PAL version):
     Have  Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note:
To  walk,  hold  R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. R1
should  be  released  when  spinning  or jumping.) Press L2 to light a
flare.  Walk  one  step forward, walk one step back. Relea se R1, then
spin  at least three times in a complete circle in any direction. Jump
back  by  pressing  Down  +  Square  (assuming  the default controller

Unlimited flares:
     Enable  the  "Level  skip"  or  "All  weapons" codes. Then, press
Triangle  to  draw Lara's guns and press L2. A flare will appear, even
if none are in Lara's inventory.

Exploding Lara:
     Have  Lara  perform  the following actions during game play. Walk
one  step  forward,  one step backward, hold walk while spinning three
times in a complete circle in any direction, and jump backward.

Leaving the mansion:
     Get to the point on the training course before Lara goes down the
death  slide. Walk to one of the corners at the edge and face forward.
Turn  about  forty-five  degrees  and  look straight down. While still
holding the look button, jump straight up in the air . After the third
jump  Lara  should  be  on top of the left or right pillar. From here,
jump onto the wall, then run around it. Then Lara can jump to the roof
of  the  swimming  pool,  maze,  and  even outside the patch of ground
outside  the  gate.  Note: If Lara g oes outside the gate, she can not

Get rid of the butler:
     Use  the  following  steps  to  get rid of the butler that always
follows  Lara.  Enter  the  mansion.  Go into the kitchen and open the
freezer.  Wait  until  the  butler reaches you, and go in the freezer.
When  he  enters  the  freezer,  jump  over  him and quickly close the
freezer door. The mansion may now be explored without the butler.

Get on top of Lara's house:
     Go  into  the practice level or training level with Lara's house.
Head left at the start don't do the practice course. You need to go to
the  2nd  corner  of  Lara's House. When you get the the second corner
face the wall and keep doing a 1/8 turn and then jum p. Don't hold the
control  pad buttons and hold X while jumping. If you did it right you
should  then,  after  a couple jumps be on top of her house. Go around
and explore, even do a dive off her house. (You'll die from the impact

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