
Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation

Level skip:
     Have  Lara  face exactly north. Go to "Load", hold L1 + L2 + R1 +
R2 + Up, then press Triangle. Close the inventory screen to advance to
the next level.

All weapons:
     Have  Lara face exactly north. Go to the small medipak, hold L1 +
L2 + R1 + R2 + Up, then press Triangle.

Unlimited items:
     Have  Lara face exactly north. Go to the large medipak, hold L1 +
L2 + R1 + R2 + Down, then press Triangle.

Easy way to face exactly north:
     Find  any  block  that faces north. Climb up or jump to it. Go to
the inventory screen and your compass should be transparent to confirm
she is facing exactly north.

Atomic Lara:
     Turns  laras  pistol  into a nuclear missile launcher. During the
time  when  its  loading  the title screen enter L1, L1, L1, Triangle,
Circle, Circle, X, X, X, X, R1, R1, R2, L2, Square after that you have
to  get  to  the second level and pick up the shotgun ammo in the tomb
when  you  dont  have a shotgun then go to your inventory and click on
the shotgun ammo and it will be your pistol and then press L1, L1, L1,
L2,  L2,  L2,  L2, L2, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, R2 then put it away
and take it out again. It will then shoot nucuelar missles

Find Two Gold Skulls in the Training Level:
     In  the  begining  when  you  play  as Lara the teen. In the very
begining walk to your left go a little up and you should find a golden
skull.  When  he  is  teaching  you  how  to  make  the  running  jump
automatically fall go to the back and you should get another skull.

     There  is  a third skull in the training level when you dive into
the water to lower the first bridge.

Save health packs:
     You  can  save  health  packs by going to a different level, then
coming  back  for  health because the levels are so numerous and close

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Автор: Саня
Прошел всю!!! Играл три месяца, жил ей одной, на все забил! Столько приключений, всяких заморочек, не жалею ничуть о потраченном времени! У меня мама смотрела как я прохожу - я со школы приду, а она уже ждет, когда начну играть :) Смотрела как сериал! Один раз только помощи попросил - так застрял, что просто край, ничего в голову не лезет. Потом подсказали, таким себя дурнем почуял...

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