
Disaster: Day of Crisis

Extra costumes
     To unlock additional costumes, complete various tasks and find secret 
items in specific levels.

Earthquake: Find the secret item in Port Alex

Fire: Find the secret item in Port Alex

Heavy Rain: Complete the game on any difficulty

Rescuer: Complete the game on any difficulty

Tsunami: Find the secret item on board the Ferry

Secret Weapons
     Most weapons are unlocked by buying them or earning them 
in Shooting Galleries - However, there's a few extra ones for completing 
certain tasks.

Deep Impact (Gregory's Assault Rifle): Shoot down 10 grenades during 
     the battle with Gregory before killing him

Immolator (Major Evans' Handgun): 
     Shoot down 10 knives during the first battle with Evans 
     before defeating him

Twister (Colonel Haynes' Shotgun): Complete the game on any difficulty

Volcano (Shadow Mercenary's Rocket Launcher): Shoot down 10 missiles 
     during the battle with the chopper on Mt. Rosalia before defeating it


Artwork Gallery: Complete the game on any difficulty

Extra Disaster Files: Complete the game on any difficulty

Final Shooting Gallery: Complete the game on any difficulty

Movie Gallery and Alternate Ending: Complete the game on any difficulty 

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