
Excitebots: Trick Racing

New items available for purchase
     Use  a single bot a certain amount of races to earn new items for
purchase pertaining to that bot.

10 races completed with a bot: Statue of bot available for purchase

15 races completed with a bot: Exclusive paint job available for purchase

Unlock Super Excite mode
Get an "S" ranking on all Excite mode races.

Unlockable Bots
     Purchase from bot selection screen. 
Note: A whole new selection of bots are available to unlock 
in Super Excite mode.

Ant            Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Centipede      Purchase for 5,000 stars.

Crab           Purchase for 10,000 stars.

Hornet         Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Hummingbird    Purchase for 2,500 stars.

Lizard         Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Lobster        Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Mantis         Purchase for 2,500 stars.

Mouse          Purchase for 2,500 stars.

New unlockable 
bots           Unlock Super Excite mode.

Roach          Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Scorpion       Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Spider         Purchase for 5,000 stars.

Squid          Super Excite mode, reach lifetime rank requirement, 
               pay 10,000 stars.

Unlock the Crystal Cup
     Obtain  at  least  a  B  rank on every Platinum Cup race in Super
Excite mode.

Unlock Mirror mode
     Score  an  S  rank  on every Super Excite race to unlock tougher,
mirrored versions of the game's races.

Mirror Mode    Obtain an S rank on every Super Excite race

New Player Icons Available for Purchase
     Once  unlocked, icons must be purchased. They range from 1,000 to
10,000 stars per icon:

Ace of Spades (1,000 stars)   Obtain an "S" rank on all Poker Races

Alien (2,500 stars)           Obtain a "B" rank or higher on Nebula track

Angry Face                    Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Baseball (500 stars)          Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Basketball (1,000 stars)      Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Bomb (25,000 stars)           Obtain at least a "B" ranking 
                              on all Mirror Excite cups

Bowling (2,500 stars)         Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Boxing Glove (2,500 stars)    Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Cocky Face                    Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Crescent Moon (5,000 stars)   Obtain a "B" rank or higher 
                              on Nebula track

Devil Face                    Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Die (1,000 stars)             Obtain an "S" rank on all Poker Races

Earth (10,000 stars)          Obtain a "B" rank or higher 
                              on Nebula track

Football (1,000 stars)        Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Four-Leaf Clover 
(2,500 stars)                 Obtain an "S" rank on all Poker Races

Gold Coin (5,000 stars)       Obtain an "S" rank on all Poker Races

Gold Horseshoe (5,000 stars)  Obtain an "S" rank on all Poker Races

Magic 8 Ball (2,500 stars)    Obtain an "S" rank on all Poker Races

Ping-Pong (500 stars)         Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Pirate Face                   Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Radioactive (50,000 stars)    Obtain at least a "B" ranking 
                              on all Mirror Excite cups

Rocket (5,000 stars)          Obtain a "B" rank or higher on Nebula track

Saturn (10,000 stars)         Obtain a "B" rank or higher on Nebula track

Skull and Crossbones 
(50,000 stars)                Obtain at least a "B" ranking 
                              on all Mirror Excite cups

Snake (10,000 stars)          Obtain at least a "B" ranking 
                              on all Mirror Excite cups

Spaceman (2,500 stars)        Obtain a "B" rank or higher 
                              on Nebula track

Spider (10,000 stars)         Obtain at least a "B" ranking 
                              on all Mirror Excite cups

Sunglasses Face               Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Surprised Face                Obtain an "S" rank on all minigames

Thunderbolt (25,000 stars)    Obtain at least a "B" ranking 
                              on all Mirror Excite cups

Unlockable Paint Jobs
     Unlike  the  normal  paint  jobs, these ones are special outfits.
They  are  available  for  purchase  or reward once you've finished 15
races with a given bot:

Armor                         Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the beetle

Chef                          Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the lobster

Chicken                       Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the hornet

Cow                           Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the grasshopper

Cowboy                        25 S wins with turtle or 250,000 stars

Dracula                       25 S wins with bat or 250,000 stars

King                          25 S wins with cockroach or 250,000 stars

Magic Act                     Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the frog

Punk Rock                     25 S wins with spider or 250,000 stars

Punk Rocker                   Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the spider

Space Mantis                  Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the mantis

Top hat and suit              25 S wins with frog or 250,000 stars 

Wizard                        Purchase for 250,000 stars 
                              or earn 25 "S" ranks as the spider.

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