
Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

Camera Unlockables
Complete the game and load the clear save. Unlockables must be purchased using spirit points to be usable.
Equipped Function: Festival
Complete the ghost list
Equipped Function: Infinity
Clear all missions with S rank
Equipped Function: Sense
Complete the game once and capture at least 100 ghosts
Upgraded Lens: Lunar/Moon
Complete the game in nightmare mode
Upgraded Lens: Stop
Complete the game once
Costume unlockables
After you've beaten the game once you can load your clear save to get costumes. Unlockables must be purchased using spirit points to be usable.
Choushiro Costume 2 - Casual Dress (Brown)
Clear the game once.
Choushiro Costume 3 - Police Uniform
Clear the game twice.
Choushiro Costume 4 - Casual Dress (Dark Blue)
Clear the game three times.
Choushiro Glasses (Type 1)
Clear the game once.
Choushiro Glasses (Type 2)
Clear the game twice.
Choushiro Glasses (Type 3)
Clear the game three times.
Madoka Costume 2 - Dress
Clear all Missions in Mission Mode with any rank.
Misaki Costume 2 - Yukata (Flowers and Goldfish)
Clear the game once.
Misaki Costume 3 - Uniform
Collect 20 Hozuki Dolls.
Misaki Costume 4 - Punk Costume
Clear the game three times.
Misaki Costume 5 - Yukata (Chaotic Butterflies)
Clear all Missions in Mission Mode.
Misaki Costume 6 - Luigi Costume
Clear the game once.
Misaki Glasses (Type 1)
Clear the game once.
Misaki Glasses (Type 2)
Clear the game twice.
Misaki Glasses (Type 3)
Clear the game three times.
Misaki Hair Ornament
Clear the game once.
Ruka Costume 2 - Yukata (Striped)
Clear the game once.
Ruka Costume 3 - Uniform
Collect 20 Hozuki Dolls
Ruka Costume 4 - Tube Top Dress
Clear the game three times.
Ruka Costume 5 - Yukata (Higanbana)
Clear all Missions in Mission Mode.
Ruka Costume 6 - Zero Suit Samus
Collect 200 Ghosts.
Ruka Glasses (Type 1)
Clear the game once.
Ruka Glasses (Type 2)
Clear the game twice.
Ruka Glasses (Type 3)
Clear the game three times.
Ruka Hair Ornament
Clear the game once.

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