
House of the Dead, The: Overkill

Unlockables for clearing Story Mode

Director's Cut Mode:
     Complete Story mode to unlock Director's Cut mode.

Handcannon Weapon: Complete Story mode to unlock the handcannon.

Unlockable One-Player Dual Wield
     Unlock  one-player  dual wield mode (two remotes but one lifebar) 
by  completing  Director's  Cut.  This  mode will be available in both 
Story and Director's Cut modes.

Unlockable MInigun
     Complete the Director's Cut to unlock the minigun in the gun shop 
for Story and Director's Cut modes.

Unlockable Achievements
     All the achievements in the game are listed in the Extra Contents 
menu  (the extra videos, music, images, and 3D models). Simply perform 
the task required to unlock the item.

Unlockable Extra Mutants Mode
     Complete  Story  mode  to  unlock  extra  mutants  in  Story mode 
(Director's Cut already uses extra mutants).

AutoShotgun Is All You Need
     To  get  a  consistent  Goregasm  combo, purchase and upgrade the 
autoshotgun to the maximum. All you need is one hit on most zombies to 
kill them, giving you one shot, one kill capability.

Tailor The High Score
     Tailor you high scores to rack in the bonus for "beating the high 
score".  If  you  cannot  top your high score in a stage any more, you 
will not earn money for buying guns in the shop.

Gangsta Bonus
     Kill  50  or more Mutants in one level 'Gangsta' Style (with your 
gun/remote  held  sideways)  for  a  bonus  of $1337 at the end if the 

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