
Kid Icarus

Level Passwords (Virtual Console version)
     Passwords from the original NES version of Kid Icarus DO NOT work
on  the  Wii's  Virtual  Console version. Here are the level passwords
that work exclusively with the Virtual Console version of Kid Icarus.

Password:                         Result:
0000Cu O0V300 UC001C 00042i       Level 1-2 - Endurance 4/5, Strength 1/5
0000mC T0U600 GC001C 10082t 	  Level 1-3 - Endurance 4/5, Strength 2/5
G400u6 Z09200 POG00C 10003s 	  Level 1-4 - Endurance 4/5, Strength 2/5
G800CS p0iC00 1OG00G H0004v 	  Level 2-1 - Endurance Max, Strength 2/5
He00yK y0j800 HOG01H I004K! (4th set "I" = capital "i") 	
                                  Level 2-2 - Endurance Max, Strength 3/5
Ie00ec 418100 fa004H J008a9 (1st set "I" = capital "i") 	
                                  Level 2-3 - Endurance Max, Strength 4/5
IeG6q9 I1t800 VmG03H J000Lx (1st & 2nd set "I" = capital "i") 	
                                  Level 2-4 - Endurance Max, Strength 4/5
IeG6Gz f1t000 daG08H J100sK (1st set "I" = capital "i") 
                                  Level 3-1 - Endurance Max, Strength 4/5, 
                                  All Weapons
IeW6Ci h1Z200 faG08H K104sg (1st set "I" = capital "i")
                                  Level 3-2 - Endurance Max, Strength Max, 
                                  All Weapons
IeW6WO r1o500 laG08H K108cC 
(1st set "I" = capital "i", 3rd set "l" = small "L")
                                  Level 3-3 - Endurance Max, Strength Max, 
                                  All Weapons
IeW6Kj z1Q700 naG08H K100tK (1st set "I" = capital "i")
                                  Level 3-4 - Endurance Max, Strength Max, 
                                  All Weapons
IeW6e0 72dF00 faG06H K500ey (1st set "I" = capital "i")
                                  Level 4-1 - All status maxed out 
                                  (best ending)
IeW6uf H2dF00 k0000G 400aYD (1st set "I" = capital "i") 	
                                  "Second Quest" 1-2 - Endurance Max, 
                                   Strength Max, All Weapons
Level Passwords

Password:                         Result:
0000eu 60j700 uG0004 1000J0       1-4
000ys T0J300 m2001C H000aS        2-1
00008C i04400 mIG01D I0005F       2-4
0000mu w0K200 O3G00H I100s5       3-1
0000y0 11X200 u0G00H I100t0       3-4
00008p 414100 O3G00H I500eB       4-1
KidKid Icarus KidKid Icarus       Final Level with Invincibility
DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR       Begin Final Level with Invincibility 2
AuW2e5 XcdF00 mt000G K50Wuu       Final Level w/ 9,999,999 points
8uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu       Infinite Potions
DUVANS MAMMOR KOMMER BORTOT       Start at the last level with invincibility 
                                  and fully upgraded arrows.
6eW3!! !!!!00 F38W!H C0042N 	  1-2 with maxed strength, hearts and items 

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