
Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

Unlock characters
How to unlock certain characters
4th Hokage
Get Hokage rank on ALL 400 missions
ANBU Kakashi
Complete 40% Missions including the S-Rank for Kakashi, and 20% Missions for all other characters, then redo Kakashi's S-Rank mission, win, and buy.
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Earn at least 70,000 ryo altogether
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Complete 30% Missions of Deidara, Sasori, Hiruko, Itachi and Kisame, then buy from the Shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Beat Story Mode on Level 3
Buy the first set of characters, then go to shop
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Complete 30% Missions of Deidara, Sasori, Hiruko, Itachi and Kisame, then buy from the Shop
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Buy the first set of characters, then go to shop
Buy the first set of characters, then go to shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Buy the first set of characters, then go to shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Complete Story Mode on Difficulty 2 and Attack Power 2 then buy from the Shop
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Buy from Shop or Finish Story Mode then, buy other characters
Buy the first set of characters, then go to shop
Unlock New Stages
Unlock all other stages, then purchase at shop for 4,000 ryo
Shirato Road
Unlock all other stages, then purchase at shop for 4,000 ryo
Silent Shrine
Unlock Warehouse Road, Shirato Street and Intersection, then purchase from shop for 5,000 ryo
Warehouse Road
Unlock all other stages, then purchase at shop for 4,000 ryo
Fan Bonus
Start a new game with Naruto Shippuden, Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 data, and receive a 50,000 ryo bonus.

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