
New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Unlockable Kingdoms
     Earn three crests on a barrel's set of three kingdoms to unlock a
bonus kingdom.

Chili Pepper Kingdom:    Obtain all crests on the Lemon, Grape, 
                         and Cherry Kingdoms.

Lychee Kingdom:          Obtain all crests on the Apple, Strawberry, 
                         and Pineapple Kingdoms.

Pear Kingdom:            Obtain all crests on the Banana, Orange, 
                         and Watermelon Kingdoms

Star Fruit Kingdom:      Obtain all crests on the Peach, Melon, 
                         and Durian Kingdoms.

Beaten Kings in Ending Ceremony
     Unlock  and beat VS GHASTLY KING to have Dread Kong, Karate Kong,
Ninja  Kong  and  Sumo Kong following you in the background during the
Ending Ceremony.

New Menu Music
     Collect  all 72 crests and a new song will play when browsing the
main menu.

Ninjapes in Ending Ceremony
     Collect  all  72  crests  and  beat  either  VS CACTUS KING or VS
GHASTLY KING. During the Ending Ceremony most of the white chimps have
now been replaced with Ninjapes.

Total Beats
     Collect  all  72  medals  and  your total number of beats will be
displayed on the title screen (upper left corner).

Alternate boss endings
     When  fighting  a  Hog  boss, make the final blow with a melon as
opposed to punching him.

     When  fighting  a  Roc  boss,  make  the  final blow the stunning
attack, as opposed to attacking the bomb-thingy the Roc is carrying.

     If  you do this, you'll gain a different boss death sequence than
the normal one. 

Donkey Kong's Crown
     Earn  all 60 crests (3 per kingdom), and DK will don the crown he
wears during the Crest Check during gameplay.

DK's Crown: Earn all 60 crests.

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