
One Piece: Unlimited Adventure

Unlock Survival Mode
     In  order  to unlock Survival Mode, you must unlock the following
characters  in  vs.  mode.  All  characters MUST be defeated to unlock
them.  All  locations  given are the first location you encounter each

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Normal Marine           Defeat one in the Seaside Zone
Bazooka Marine          Defeat one in the Seaside Zone
Marine Corps Chief      Defeat one in the Jungle Zone
World Government Agent  Defeat one in the Ruins Zone
Pistol Pirate           Defeat one in the Jungle Zone
Sabre Pirate            Defeat one in the Jungle Zone
Knuckle Pirate          Defeat one in the Ruins Zone
Blue Demon General      Defeat one in the Cave Zone
Cluster Demon Soldier   Defeat one in the Cave Zone
Crimson Demon General   Defeat one in the Cave Zone
Sword Demon Soldier     Defeat one in the Cave Zone 

Unlock Characters For VS Mode.

Unlockable:   How to Unlock

Mihawk              Beat him in story mode at the Fossil Beach area.

Arlong              Beat him in story mode at the Cave area.

Eneru               Beat him in story mode at the Ruins Zone area.

Smoker              Beat him right before you enter Fossil Beach .

Spandam             Beat Spandam at the Ruins zone he is the first boss.

Crocodile           Beat him at the Cave area he is the second boss 
                    to reach him hit the wall with a character 
                    not a pick axe.
Kaku                Defeat him in the Jungle area.

Portgas D. Ace      Defeat him in the Mountain Zone

Shanks              Defeat him in the Mountain Zone

Lucci               Defeat him in the Dimension Zone

Aokiji              Beat him in the Dimension Zone.

Rob Lucci           Beat him in the Dimension Zone, he's the first boss.

Rampaging Chopper   Beat him in Mountain Zone, you need a Revive 
                    Medicine to get to his arena.

Paulie              Beat him at Cave Zone.

Vivi                Beat her at Ruins Zone.

Calgara             Beat him at Jungle Zone near a fishing spot.

Whitebeard          Beat him in the Dimension Zone. Golden Whale 
                    is required to get to the arena.
Bon Clay            Defeat him at the Seaside Zone area.

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