
PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond

Kecleon's Awards
To unlock these, first you must befriend Kecleon. You will have to jump over the southeastern buildings in the Cove Town town square with Snivy and, back there, examine the jagged red stripe to find and befriend Kecleon. After that, you'll be given access to the awards system of the game, with the awards detailed below.
"Ace Strikers"
Score 100 or more goals.
"Attraction Elite"
Score first place in the four Attractions at Wish Park.
"Battle Experts"
Win all battles, including the Battle Tournament.
"Battle Tournament Champs"
Win the Battle Tournament after finishing the pre-credits storyline.
"Berry Rich"
Get 50,000 or more Berries.
"Camera Czars"
Take 100 or more Photos.
"Chase Champions"
Beat every Pokemon that plays Chase.
Collect one of each basic Collection item.
"Epic Explorers"
Explore the Lighthouse, Stump, Cave, and Lab a lot.
"Friendly Folk"
Greet Pokemon 100 or more times.
"Friends with Everyone"
Befriend all 194 Pokemon.
Scatter 100 or more plants.
"Max Power"
Max out all four Pals' HP, dashing speed, and move power (for all three moves).
"Mighty Smashers"
Hit Pokemon 500 or more times with your dashing tackle.
"Portal Pros (Arbor)"
Get 50,000 or more Friendship Power points when opening the Arbor Area Wish Park portal.
"Portal Pros (Cove)"
Get 50,000 or more Friendship Power points when opening the Cove Area Wish Park portal.
"Portal Pros (Crag)"
Get 50,000 or more Friendship Power points when opening the Crag Area Wish Park portal.
"Portal Pros (Tech)"
Get 50,000 or more Friendship Power points when opening the Tech Area Wish Park portal.
Find and obtain all 40 Vast White Quills.
"Sure Shots"
Hit Pokemon 100 or more times with objects.
"Wrecking Crew"
Destroy 100 or more objects.

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