
Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Unlock Elite mode:
     Finish the Solo mode once to access to Elite mode.

Differnet endings:
     Finish  the  following  task during the last mission to
watch the indicated game ending after the bomb is disarmed.

Bad ending: 
     All 3 targets destroyed or 2 targets destroyed and have
NSA trust below 33%.

Normal ending: 
     You  saved the cruise ship, Hisham, and Lambert but you
have  NSA  trust  below  33%  or  allow  2 of the targets be
destroyed but have NSA trust above 33%.

Good ending: 
     Save  at least 2 of the 3 targets (Hisham, Cruise ship,
and Lambert) and have NSA trust above 33%.

Bonus equipment:
     Finish  the  following  special  objectives  in  single
player mode:

Wall Mine-stun: 2nd objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment. 
Wall Mine - Flash: 2nd objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment. 
Ultrasonic emitter: 2nd objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment. 
Sonic Grenade - Attachment: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 2. 
Smoke Grenade - Attachment: 2nd objectives in the Shanghai Assignment. 
Shotgun Shell - Attachment: 2nd objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment. 
Night Vision - Enhanced: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 3. 
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade: 2nd objectives 
                 in the Shanghai Assignment. 
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 2. 
Gas Grenade: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 1. 
Gas Grenade - Attachment: 2nd objectives in the Cozumel Assignment. 
Frag Grenade - Attachment: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 3. 
Explosive Sticky Camera-Attachment: 2nd objectives 
                                    in the Iceland Assignment. 
EMP Grenade: 2nd objectives in the Iceland Assignment. 
EMP Grenade - Attachment: 2nd objectives in the Cozumel Assignment. 
EMP Device - Enhanced: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 1. 
Electric Lock Pick: 1st objectives in JBA HQ 1. 

Unlock Bonus skin:
     Reach the indicated rank to unlock the indicated skin:

Unlock Spy second skin: Reach "Recruit" rank.
Unlock Spy third skin: Reach "Special Agent" rank.
Unlock Uspilon Forces second skin: Reach "Field Agent" rank.
Unlock Uspilon Forces third skin: Reach "Commander" rank. 

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