
Toy Story 3

Gold Stars
Amateur Bug Collector
Rescue 3 Caterpillars
Amateur Ghost Sucker
Captured 3 ghosts with the Lightning Rod
Amateur Haunter
Possessed 3 townspeople
Amateur Kicker
Drop kick 5 townspeople
Avid Customer
Collect all customizations for Haunted House, Enchanted Glen and Zurg's Spaceport
Big Spender
Spend 30,000
Breaking Boards
Smash 25 Crates and Barrels
Enchanted Sheriff
Complete all Enchanted Glen Missions
Gone Wanderin'
Traveled a long distance on foot
Haunted Explorer
Found all prize capsules in Haunted House
Having a Ball
Hit 30 things with a ball
Jr Monster Slayer
Destroyed 5 Gargoyles
Jr Pixie Torcher
Torched 5 pixies with the Dragon
Jr Re-animator
Create 3 zombie townspeople
Jumpin' Jackrabbits!
Jumped a long distance with Bullseye
Knock It Off
Clobbered 10 mission givers
Long Haul
Explored in a vehicle
Master Grower
Made 10 things bigger
Master Monster Slayer
Destroyed 10 Gargoyles
Master Pixie Slayer
Defeated 10 pixies
Master Re-animator
Create 10 zombie townspeople
Master Shrinker
Made 10 things smaller
Miner 49er
Mined 15 gold veins
Mission Master
Complete 50 missions
On A Mission
Completed 10 missions
Parachute King
Hit 15 Paratrooper Targets
Power Shopper
Buy 10 things from the catalog
Prize Capsule Collector
Collect 15 prize capsules
Prize Capsule Enthusiast
Collect 25 prize capsules
Pro Kicker
Drop kick 10 townspeople
Ridin' the Range
Travel a long distance on Bullseye
Riding the Rails
Slid a long distance on the rails
Rolly Polly
Do 40 barrel rolls in a vehicle
Saddle the Dragon
Travel a long distance on the Dragon
Saving Up
Earn more than 30,000 gold
Sheriff of the Future
Complete all Zurg's Spaceport missions
Space Explorer
Found all prize capsules in the Spaceport
Spooky Sheriff
Found all prize capsules in the Haunted House
Carried a heavy object for a long distance
Swimming Lessons
Throw 5 townspeople into the water
Triple Flusher
Flush outhouse 3 times
Under the Sea
Jump in the water 10 times
Wand Waver
Give wings to 10 things
Winner's Circle
Attempt 20 Bullseye races
Woodland Explorer
Found all prize capsules by the rainbows
Zurg Bot Destroyer
Destroy 10 Zurg Bots
Zurg Bot Smasher
Destroyed 3 Zurg Bots

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