
Wii Sports

91 Pin Strike in Power Bowling Training
     To  get  an  automatic  91  pin strike in the last round of Power
Bowling, Throw the ball on the right or left rail (depending on if you
are right or left handed) so that it stays on it the whole time. If it
reaches  the  end  without falling off, you will hear a "click" and an
explosion.  Then all the pins will fall down from the shockwave. NOTE:
This only works on the last round.

     While  playing tennis, after you pick your character click on the
one  in  the  first  row.  It turns into a ? When you start the game a
computer  player  will  show  up.  You can also click on the computers
charaters  and turn them into yours. If you do the game screen will go
split  screen but if your faceing your own characters you control them
so you could make your side win easier.

     If  you  jab  the  numchuck to left while curving it, it will hit
them on their side.

Silver Boxing Gloves
     After  you've  beaten the Grand Champion, Matt, in a boxing match
you'll  be  able to wear silver boxing gloves. To do so, hold (1) when
the screen becomes black before a boxing match.

Change the tennis court
     To  change the tennis court to the blue practice court, press and
hold [2] at the warning screen that shows after selecting characters.

Play Golf without maps or meters
     To  disable  the  power meter, map, and the wind speed indicator,
press  and  hold  [2],  then make a selection at the "Select a Course"

     When  starting a game, hold Right to get a blue ball, Left to get
a pink ball, Down to get a green ball or Up to get a blue ball.

     During  Target  Practice,  (Tennis), If you don't hit the target,
you  will  hit the brick wall around it. This will make the section of
the  wall  you hit darken slightly.If you darken it enough, the bricks
start  breaking.  Soon, after you break enough bricks, there will be a
large hole. But be warned, if your ball goes.

Советы наших посетителей (0)

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присланные геймерами не из России.

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