
Rainbow Six: Lockdown

     The following can be purchased from the [Special Features] menu.

Points:                 Result:
10 Intel                Points ART: Part I
10 Intel                Points ART: Part II
10 Intel                Points ART: Part III
10 Intel                Points ART: Part IV
650 Intel Points        CHEAT: Increased Force
900 Intel Points        CHEAT: Invisibility
600 Intel Points        CHEAT: One Hit Kills
550 Intel Points        CHEAT: Unlimited Ammo
550 Intel Points        CHEAT: Unlimited Items

Cheat Codes:

Increased Force:
     Press Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down.

     Press Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up.

One Shot Kills:
     Press Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left.

Unlimited Ammo:
     Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right.

Unlimited Items:
     Press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down.

Fast Movement:
     Press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right.

Ghost Mode:
     Press Up, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down.

Team God Mode: 
     450 Points - Press Left, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left.

God Mode: 
     600 Points - Press Up, Right, Left, Up, Down, Down.

Unlock artworks images:
     Go  to  the  "Special  Features"  menu  and buy for the indicated
amount of Intel Points:

Part 1: 10 Points
Part 2: 10 Points
Part 3: 10 Points
Part 4: 10 Points 

USAS 12: Spend 70 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
UMP-9: Spend 50 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
U100MK3: Spend 60 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
SR-4 CQB: Spend 100 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
SPAS 15: Spend 40 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
P90TR: Spend 80 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
MTAR-21: Spend 70 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
MP7SD: Spend 40 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
M249SPW: Spend 80 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
GL69A: Spend 100 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu
AS9: Spend 60 Intel Points at the "Bonus" menu

P.E.C. mode medals:
     Finish the indicated task in P.E.C. mode to earn the indicated medal.

Earn Mercenary medal: 
     Get a collective 100 kills

Earn Purple Heart medal: 
     Get killed a collective 100 times

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