
Rugby League 2

25 Years Of Origin video
     Win  a  State  Of  Origin  competition  on  the  Legend or higher
difficulty setting to unlock the 25 Years Of Origin video.

All International sides
     Accumulate 11 hours of game play time to unlock all International
sides.  Alternately, win a Seasoned or higher difficulty match with an
edited or custom team.

Beach stadium
     Accumulate 8 hours of game play time to unlock the Beach stadium.
Alternately,  score  over  30  points  while keeping the opposing team
scoreless in a match.

Behind The Scenes video
     Accumulate  15  hours  of game play time to unlock the Behind The
Scenes video. Alternately, successfully complete Franchise mode.

Big hands
     Enter "Jumbo Mittens" as a name for a created player.

Big heads
     Enter "Planetoid" as a name for a created player.

Big muscles
     Enter "Dale P Pugh" as a name for a created player.

Cheat mode
     Enter "Darren Unlockyer" as a name for a created player to unlock
all bonuses.

Cheerleaders video
     Accumulate  20 hours of game play time to unlock the Cheerleaders

Disable Matrix-style kicking off
     Enter "There is no spoon" as a name for a created player.

Fat players
     Enter  "Cakemaster  3000"  or  "Cakemaster  3001" as a name for a
created player.

Flavian Amphitheater (Roman Coliseum) stadium
     Accumulate  14  hours  of  game  play  time to unlock the Flavian
Amphitheater  (Roman  Coliseum) stadium. Alternately, win a match with
an international team.

League God mode
     Accumulate  13  hours  of game play time to unlock the League God
difficulty  setting.  Alternately,  win  a  competition  on the Legend
difficulty setting that is over three matches.

NRL 2004 Season Highlights video
     Accumulate  4  hours  of  game  play  time to unlock the NRL 2004
Season Highlights video. Alternately, win the NRL competition.

Players have tire in body
     Enter "Junkinthetrunk" as a name for a created player.

Production Stills gallery
     Accumulate  18  hours  of game play time to unlock the Production
Stills  gallery.  Alternately,  win  with  the  SIDHE All-Stars on the
Seasoned or higher difficulty setting.

QSAC stadium (ANZ stadium)
     Accumulate  12 hours of game play time to unlock the QSAC stadium
(ANZ  stadium).  Alternately,  win  a  competition  with  the Brisbane

SIDHE All-Stars team
     Accumulate  16  hours  of  game  play  time  to  unlock the SIDHE
All-Stars  team.  Alternately,  win  two  consecutive  premierships in
Franchise mode.

Small heads
     Enter "micro noggin" as a name for a created player.

Stade Aime Giral stadium
     Accumulate  5  hours  of  game play time to unlock the Stade Aime
Giral stadium.

Super League 2004 Season Highlights video
     Accumulate  6  hours of game play time to unlock the Super League
2004  Season  Highlights  video.  Alternately,  win  the  Super League

Thin players
     Enter "Crash Diet" as a name for a created player.

Trans-Tasman Test Series
     Accumulate  9  hours of game play time to unlock the Trans-Tasman
Test Series. Alternately, win the Trans-Tasman in Franchise mode.

     Accumulate  7  hours of game play time to unlock the Tri-Nations.
Alternately, win the Tri-Nations in Franchise mode.

War Of The Roses/County of origin teams
     Accumulate  3  hours  of  game play time to unlock the War Of The
Roses/County  of  origin  teams.  Alternately,  win  the  War  Of  The
Roses/County of origin in Franchise mode.

Warehouse stadium
     Accumulate  17  hours  of  game play time to unlock the Warehouse
stadium.  Alternately,  dominate  a  game  on  the  Legend  difficulty

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