
TOCA Race Driver 2

Various cheats
     Enter  the  following cheats at the "Code Entry" screen under the
Secrets  option.  Note: Each game disc has one of a few random "access
codes"-only  cheats  that  are  made for the access code that matches
your own disc's access code will work for you.

Access code 8426 

Cheat code:             Effect:
NYOOTWCF                All cars and championships 
                        except 3 bonus Championships.
NYOOTWCF                All cars and 3 bonus Championships.
LLNWUGXT                Double engine power for all cars (XBOX) 
                        or to increase the overall speed of your car (PC)
DBXLYJUU                Swap Front wheel drive cars to rear wheel drive.
GFNPIDBY                No car damage.
WVUMRQMJ                Unlock all cut scenes.

Access code 9535 

Cheat code:             Effect:
LRCHBQJ                 All cars and championships 
                        except 3 bonus Championships
GXZCDRMQ                All cars and 3 bonus Championships.
LBHXBAAA                Double engine power for all cars (XBOX) 
                        or to increase the overall speed of your car (PC)
DEPEXGAA                Swap Front wheel drive cars to rear wheel drive.
ILKGJIGV                No car damage.
RQPJZZOU                Unlock all cut scenes.

Access code 4707 

Cheat code:             Effect:
KTQMDZYI                All cars and championships 
                        except 3 bonus Championships
VRWZWIIE                All cars and 3 bonus Championships.
NYLLXYMT                Double engine power for all cars (XBOX) 
                        or to increase the overall speed of your car (PC)
OYKAKZJQ                Swap Front wheel drive cars to rear wheel drive.
FRKBNMUE                No car damage.
HZOLMXZN                Unlock all cut scenes.

Access code 0798 

Cheat code:             Effect:
AFRDKGIT                All cars and championships 
                        except 3 bonus Championships
EJEUBCQP                All cars and 3 bonus Championships.
CWVFUETA                Double engine power for all cars (XBOX) 
                        or to increase the overall speed of your car (PC)
MNEYYXVK                Swap Front wheel drive cars to rear wheel drive.
EZXYFQWV                No car damage.

Access code 3803

Cheat code:             Effect:
FRKBPWYY                All cars and championships 
                        except 3 bonus Championships
HZOLAQEZ                All cars and 3 bonus Championships.
NYSGFPXE                Double engine power for all cars (XBOX) 
                        or to increase the overall speed of your car (PC)
VJMEHNZR                Swap Front wheel drive cars to rear wheel drive.
KTQMNLEY                No car damage.
VRWZMNGW                Unlock all cut scenes.

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