
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

A perfect performance (100)
No one is as good as you. Get 5 Stars in a single song.
atron of the Arts (100)
C'mon! Spend those Stars and buy up all the items for all the Chipmunks!
Big Spender (100)
Make sure your Chipmunk look stylish and buy up all the items for it!
Everyone grab a partner! (100)
Dancing by yourself is good, dancing with a partner is better! Complete a song in Coop mode!
Go Nuts! (100)
Solo mode is the time to go crazy! Go nuts and get the best score!
It went a little like this... (100)
Come along for the ride and complete a song in Story mode.
Power Performer (100)
Show off your smooth moves and get 4 Munkpowers in the same song!
Simply the Best (200)
You are the absolute best. Only one way to prove it: get 5 Stars in all songs!
The Whole Story (100)
Get to know the full story and complete Story mode.

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