
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII

Various cheats:
     The  first  cheat  code  should  be entered at the Main Menu. The
following  2  cheat  codes should be entered while the game is paused.
(For best results, at the very start of each mission).

All Missions and Planes Unlocked
     Hold LT and RT and press X-LB-RB-Y(2)-RB-LB-X at the Main Menu

God Mode
     Pause  Game,  hold  LT, then quickly press X-Y(2)-X. Then hold RT
and quickly press Y-X(2)-Y

Increased Damage with all Weapons
     Pause  Game, hold LT and quickly press LB(2)-RB. Then hold RT and
quickly press RB(2)-LB

Vampire MK1:
     Unlock the Vampire during game play. Then, hold LT + RT and press
LB, LB, Y, Y, X, LB at the main menu.

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:             How to Unlock:

Mission 1 (15)          Complete mission 1 of the campaign.

Mission 2 (15)          Complete mission 2 of the campaign.

Mission 3 (15)          Complete mission 3 of the campaign.

Mission 4 (15)          Complete mission 4 of the campaign.

Mission 5 (15)          Complete mission 5 of the campaign.

Mission 6 (15)          Complete mission 6 of the campaign.

Mission 7 (15)          Complete mission 7 of the campaign.

Mission 8 (15)          Complete mission 8 of the campaign.

Mission 9 (15)          Complete mission 9 of the campaign.

Mission 10 (15)         Complete mission 10 of the campaign.

Mission 11 (15)         Complete mission 11 of the campaign.

Mission 12 (15)         Complete mission 12 of the campaign.

Mission 13 (15)         Complete mission 13 of the campaign.

Mission 14 (15)         Complete mission 14 of the campaign.

Mission 15 (15)         Complete mission 15 of the campaign.

Mission 16 (15)         Complete mission 16 of the campaign.

Mission 17 (15)         Complete mission 17 of the campaign.

Mission 18 (15)         Complete mission 18 of the campaign.

War Hero (25)           All missions of the single player campaign 

Nice Collection (15)    Unlock 65% of the planes in the single 
                        player campaign.

Complete Collection (15)  Unlock all the planes in the single 
                        player campaign.

Great Streak (20)       Make a killing streak of at least 12 kills.

Eye in the Back (15)    Successfully use defensive weapons 50 times 
                        over the course of the campaign.

Strategist (10)         Your wingmen score at least 50 kills over 
                        the course of the single player campaign.

Completist (30)         Accomplish all secondary objectives in all 
                        the single player campaign missions.

Ace (35)                Obtain the Ace rating in at least  
                        5 missions of the single player campaign.

Ace for a Day (10)      Obtain the Ace rating in at least 
                        one mission of the single player campaign.

Well Covered (15)       Your turret gunners score 15 kills 
                        in the single player campaign.

Tech Sawy (10)          Acquire at least two technological 
                        advancements in the single player campaign.

Tech Expert (20)        Acquire all technological advancements 
                        in the single player campaign.

Showoff (10)            Perform at least 25 stunts 
                        in the single player campaign.

Skirmish Explored (15)  Reach 25% in all skirmish missions 
                        in the coop mode.

Skirmish Advanced (15)  Reach 50% in at least three skirmish 
                        missions in the coop mode.

Skirmish Perfected (20) Reach 100% in at least two skirmish missions 
                        in the coop mode.

Healthy Finish (10)     Finish a solo multiplayer match without 
                        being last on the table.

Good Finish (15)        Finish a solo multiplayer match 
                        above mid-table.

Top Finish (30)         Finish a solo multiplayer match 
                        on the top of the table.

Team Player (25)        Respond to at least 25 requests 
                        from teammates in multiplayer.

Streak Master (50)      Make three killing streaks of 
                        at least 15 kills.

Curiosity Satisfied (15) Play at least one match 
                        in every multiplayer mode.

Versatile Pilot (20)    Achieve multiplayer kills with 
                        at least 15 types of different aircraft.

Dominator (30)          Make 15 kills in a row without dying, 
                        in a multiplayer match.

Hardened Veteran (30)   Play 50 hours online, 
                        in any multiplayer mode.

Veteran (10)            Play 25 hours online, 
                        in any multiplayer mode.

Ace of Aces (50)        Make 300 kills in adversarial 
                        multiplayer matches.

Skilled Dogfighter (40) Make 150 kills in adversarial 
                        multiplayer matches.

Proven Pilot (30)       Make 50 kills in adversarial 
                        multiplayer matches.

Superb Team Play (50)   Be part of the winning team 
                        in 50 squad matches.

Excellent Team Play (30) Be part of the winning team 
                        in 25 squad matches.

Good Team Play (15)     Be part of the winning team 
                        in 3 squad matches.

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