
Body and Brain Connection

10-Day Play (25)
Play for 10 consecutive days.
15 Stamps (20)
Play for a total of 15 days.
30 Stamps (20)
Play for a total of 30 days.
50 Stamps (20)
Play for a total of 50 days.
Advanced Levels Unlocked (20)
Unlock all exercises at the Advanced level.
All Exercises & All Levels (50)
Play every level for every exercise.
Associate's in Logic (20)
Complete 55% or more of the Logic category.
Associate's in Math (20)
Complete 55% or more of the Math category.
Associate's in Memory (20)
Complete 55% or more of the Memory category.
Associate's in Physical (20)
Complete 55% or more of the Physical category.
Associate's in Reflexes (20)
Complete 55% or more of the Reflexes category.
Bachelor's in Logic (20)
Complete 70% or more of the Logic category.
Bachelor's in Math (20)
Complete 70% or more of the Math category.
Bachelor's in Memory (20)
Complete 70% or more of the Memory category.
Bachelor's in Physical (20)
Complete 70% or more of the Physical category.
Bachelor's in Reflexes (20)
Complete 70% or more of the Reflexes category.
Brain Fitness Tests for All (25)
Take the Group Mock Test five times.
Brain Fitness: 20 (20)
Record a brain age of 20 in the Official Brain Fitness Test.
Brain Fitness: 20s (20)
Record a brain age in the 20s in the Official Brain Fitness Test.
Brain Fitness: 30s (20)
Record a brain age in the 30s in the Official Brain Fitness Test.
Data Checker (25)
Check My Data at least once a day for five days.
Exercise Your Way (25)
Exercise with Custom Exercises 10 times.
First Advanced Level (20)
Play any exercise at the Advanced level.
First Beginner Level (20)
Play any exercise at the Beginner level.
First Brain Fitness Test (25)
Take the Official Brain Fitness Test and record your first results.
First Intermediate Level (20)
Play any exercise at the Intermediate level.
Five-Day Play (25)
Play for five consecutive days.
Forever Young (20)
Record a brain of 20 in the Official Brain Fitness Test three times.
Group Exercises: 10 Times (20)
Play Group Exercises a total of 10 times.
Group Exercises: 5 Times (15)
Play Group Exercises a total of 5 times.
Group Exercises: First 2-Player (15)
Play Group Exercises with another player for the first time.
Group Exercises: First 3-Player (15)
Play Group Exercises with three people for the first time.
Group Exercises: First 4-Player (15)
Play Group Exercises with four people for the first time.
Intermediate Levels Unlocked (20)
Unlock all exercises at the Intermediate level.
King of Brain Exercising! (10)
Rank A+ in all exercises at all levels.
Master of Group Exercises (10)
Play all four 2-player games in Group Exercises.
Master of Themes (10)
Play with all themes in Group Exercises.
Master's in Brain Exercising (10)
Rank A or higher in all exercises at all levels.
Master's in Logic (20)
Complete 85% or more of the Logic category.
Master's in Math (20)
Complete 85% or more of the Math category.
Master's in Memory (20)
Complete 85% or more of the Memory category.
Master's in Physical (20)
Complete 85% or more of the Physical category.
Master's in Reflexes (20)
Complete 85% or more of the Reflexes category.
New Brain Age Record! (25)
Record a younger brain age than before.
Rank A in Advanced (15)
Rank A or higher in an exercise's Advanced level.
Rank A in Beginner (15)
Rank A or higher in an exercise's Beginner level.
Rank A in Intermediate (15)
Rank A or higher in an exercise's Intermediate level.
Seize the Day (25)
Exercise with Today's Exercises three times.
Three Stamps (20)
Play for a total of three days.
Two-Day Play (25)
Play for two consecutive days.

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