
Cabela's Big Game Hunter


Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. 

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Handgun Excellence-15G        Player must hunt 20 small game animals 
                              with any handgun in the course of 
                              completing the Career mode. 

Crossbow Excellence-30G       15 small game animals must be hunted 
                              with the crossbow in the course of 
                              completing the Career mode. 

Muzzleloader Excellence-45G   Hunt 10 small game animals with 
                              the muzzleloader in the course of 
                              completing the Career mode 

Accuracy 50-10G               Accuracy must be over 50% in any season. 

Accuracy 70-15G               Accuracy must be over 70% in any season. 

Accuracy 90-20G               Accuracy must be over 90% in any season 

Climbing the Cliff-5G         Must not lose your grip and fall from 
                              a handhold on the first climb 
                              in Montana, Fall 

Cross the Log-5G              The Player must cross the log without 
                              falling on the first log in Montana, Fall. 

Long Shot-15G                 The first animal shot at a distance 
                              between 100 and 150 yards away. 

Super Long Shot-30G           The first animal shot at a distance 
                              between 150 and 200 yards away. 

Extreme Long Shot-40G         The first animal hit at a distance 
                              over 200 yards away. 

Eagle Eye Shot-50G            The first animal shot at a distance over 
                              75 yards away. Player must not shoot 
                              from Scope mode. 

Complete All Hunts-120G       Complete every single hunt in Career mode 

No-Scope Excellence-20G       Player must hunt all objective animals 
                              while never shooting from Scope Mode 
                              in any single season. 

Ecological Friendly-20G       Complete an entire season without shooting 
                              any animals outside of an objective. 

Dodge Master-10G              The player must dodge 10 attacks at any 
                              time during any of the Rival Animal Hunts. 

Elk Trophy Legend-20G         Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Mule Deer Trophy Legend-35G   Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Moose Trophy Legend-35G       Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Kudu Trophy Legend-35G        Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Hartebeest Trophy Legend-35G  Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot 

Fallow Deer Trophy Legend-35G Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Red Stag Trophy Legend-35G    Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Water Buffalo Trophy Legend-35G  Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend 
                              animal in only one shot 
Axis Deer Trophy Legend-35G   Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot. 

Waterbuck Trophy Legend-35G   Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal 
                              in only one shot 

Grizzly Bear Rival Hunt-30G   Take down the Rival Grizzly Bear. 
                              Player can be hit up to three times. 

Leopard Rival Hunt-35G        Take down the Rival African Leopard. 
                              Player can be hit only once. 

Wild Boar Rival Hunt-40G      Take down the Rival Wild Boar without 
                              ever being hit by the boar. 

Cougar Rival Hunt-50G         Take down the Rival Cougar without being 
                              hit by the Cougar. Player can only have 
                              3 missed shots. 

Lion Rival Hunt-60G           Take down the Rival African Lion without 
                              being hit or missing a single shot.

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Страница: Читы на Cabela s Big Game Hunter для Xbox 360

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