
Condemned 2: Bloodshot


 Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

There are 38 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore.

Unlockable:              How to Unlock:

Anger Management (10)    Get emotional!

Beat Cop (10)            Beat your way through a mission

Big Game Hunter (10)     Get up close and personal with the antler

Self Medicated (25)      Heal thyself, physician

Brick Wall (10)          MP - Block it away!

Bum King (30)            No guns, no problem

Can You Hear Me 
Now? (30)                Emitter Removal Service

Chain Gang (30)          Use all chain attacks a few times

Chief Investigator (50)  Complete all missions in Hard mode

Collector (10)           Scan the MP goodies once, twice, 
                         thrice - and more!
Decisive Restraint (25)  Restraint is a virtue.

Defender (25)            MP Defense 10 times over on the evidence

Detective (30)           Get through a mission in FPS

Detective - 
First Grade (50)         Shoot your way through it all in FPS

Bloodshot (25)           Unlock all Bloodshot Fight Clubs

EPA (Environmental 
Pwnage Area)-(25)        Grab your foes by the neck and do what's necessary

Flambe (25)              Splash, Shock and Fry

Gold-Plated (50)         Go gold in all missions

GOOOAAALLLL! (10)        Use the foosball table piece to your advantage

Investigator (25)        You took on the hardest and beat them at their game

Just The Facts (25)      MP Crime Scene Goodness

Master Investigator (30) PERFECTION as a sleuth all the way through

Magellan (25)            Explore all maps more than once!

A La Mode (25)           5 scoops of everything

MP Overachiever (50)     Win a Deathmatch game with 15 kills without dying.

The Plumber (25)         Find a pipe and use it frequently

Punch Drunk (10)         MP - Duke of Queensbury Rules Only

Restraint... Not (30)    Win Crime Scene games as SCU 
                         without firing a shot.

Rush Champ (25)          Take SCU out with the trash 5 times

Serial Killer (50)       Go kill, kill, kill in MP

SKX (50)                 Kill the killers.

Sleuth (10)              Be the PERFECT sleuth

Survivor King (30)       Bum Rush Survivor multiple times

Trooper (30)             Complete the single-player game

Tune In Tokyo (30)       Tune in all those TVs

Sidekick (10)            Assist in scanning evidence in Crime Scene mode

The Final Word (10)      You never forget your first time.

Cut Throat (30)          Finish it!

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