
Crash Time

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                     How to Unlock:

'Beginner's Luck' - Easy (10)   Solve the case 'Beginner's Luck' on Easy.

'Beginner's Luck' - Normal (20) Solve the case 'Beginner's Luck' on Normal.

'Beginner's Luck' - Hard (30)   Solve the case 'Beginner's Luck' on Hard.

'Murder at Km 109' - Easy (10)  Solve the case 'Murder at Km 109' on Easy.

'Murder at Km 109' - 
Normal (20)                     Solve the case 'Murder at Km 109' 
                                on Normal.

'Murder at Km 109' - Hard (30)  Solve the case 'Murder at Km 109' on Hard.

'Traffic Control' - Easy (10)   Solve the case 'Traffic Control' on Easy.

'Traffic Control' - Normal (20) Solve the case 'Traffic Control' on Normal.

'Traffic Control' - Hard (30)   Solve the case 'Traffic Control' on Hard.

'A Series of Accidents' - 
Easy (10)                       Solve the case 'A Series of Accidents' 
                                on Easy.

'A Series of Accidents' - 
Normal (20)                     Solve the case 'A Series of Accidents' 
                                on Normal.

'A Series of Accidents' - 
Hard (30)                       Solve the case 'A Series of Accidents' 
                                on Hard.

'Undercover' - Easy (10)        Solve the case 'Undercover' on Easy.

'Undercover' - Normal (20)      Solve the case 'Undercover' on Normal.

'Undercover' - Hard (30)        Solve the case 'Undercover' on Hard.

'Mere Chance' - Easy (10)       Solve the case 'Mere Chance' on Easy.

'Mere Chance' - Normal (20)     Solve the case 'Mere Chance' on Normal.

'Mere Chance' - Hard (30)       Solve the case 'Mere Chance' on Hard.

'Old Friends' - Easy (10)       Solve the case 'Old Friends' on Easy.

'Old Friends' - Normal (20)     Solve the case 'Old Friends' on Normal.

'Old Friends' - Hard (30)       Solve the case 'Old Friends' on Hard.

'The Wager' - Easy (10)         Solve the case 'The Wager' on Easy.

'The Wager' - Normal (20)       Solve the case 'The Wager' on Normal.

'The Wager' - Hard (30)         Solve the case 'The Wager' on Hard.

'Code 9807' - Easy (10)         Solve the case 'Code 9807' on Easy.

'Code 9807' - Normal (20)       Solve the case 'Code 9807' on Normal.

'Code 9807' - Hard (50)         Solve the case 'Code 9807' on Hard.

Test Driver (50)                Drive every available vehicle 
                                in single player mode.

Track Tester (50)               Drive on every available track 
                                in single player mode.

Fast (10)                       Drive faster than 220 km/h 
                                for 10 seconds in any vehicle.

Faster (20)                     Drive faster than 280 km/h for 5 seconds 
                                in any vehicle.

Fastest (30)                    Reach 350 km/h in any vehicle.

!esreveR (20)                   Drive in reverse gear for 100 meters 
                                at a minimum speed of 10 km/h 
                                without collisions.

Far Ahead (20)                  Stay in the lead by 100 meters 
                                for at least 5 seconds in a single race.

Nitro Burner (20)               Use up a whole nitro charge in one burst 
                                without collisions.

Dirt Drive (10)                 Drive the 'Semir' until the car 
                                is covered in dirt.

Builder (10)                    Drive through a site hut.

Schuminator (30)                Lap your opponent and win a single race.

Clear the Drains! (30)          Spiral down a sewer tunnel.

Flyover (30)                    Land a perfect jump from the sewers 
                                across the Rhine.

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