
Dark Sector

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:               How to Unlock:

Prologue (10)             Complete Chapter 1.

Exposure (10)             Complete Chapter 2.

Baggage Claim (10)        Complete Chapter 3.

Moths To The Flame (10)   Complete Chapter 4.

The Shipment (10)         Complete Chapter 5.

The Bait (10)             Complete Chapter 6.

Industrial Evolution (10) Complete Chapter 7.

Threshold Guardian (10)   Complete Chapter 9.

The Dark Sector (100)     Complete the Game.

Dark Sector - Brutal 
Difficulty (110)          Complete the Game on Brutal Difficulty.

Headhunter (10)           Decapitate 30 Enemies.

Incinerator (0)           Incinerate 30 Enemies.

Electrician (10)          Electrocute 30 Enemies.

Jack Frost (10)           Kill 30 Frozen Enemies.

Finesse (40)              Kill 30 enemies with Aftertouch.

Hardball (35)             Kill 30 enemies with Power-throw.

Sharpshooter (10)         Get 30 Headshots.

Glaive Master (10)        Complete a Level by Only Using the Glaive.

The Finisher (10)         Perform 30 Finishers.

Double Decap Latte (15)   Get Two Decapitations In One Shot.

Skeet Shooter (10)        Shoot 10 Projectiles in Mid-flight.

Weaponsmith (10)          Apply 5 Upgrades in the Black Market.

Greed (10)                Collect over 50,000 rubles.

Researcher (10)           Collect 10 Weapon Upgrades.

Master Researcher (15)    Collect All the Weapon Upgrades.

Rebound (15)              Kill an Enemy With a Reflected Projectile.

Glory (30)                Finish Best Overall 
                          in a Ranked Infection Match (Multiplayer).

Veteran (30)              Score 500 Points in Ranked Infection Games 

Hero (40)                 Score 2000 Points in Ranked Infection Games 

Champion (30)             Finish Best Overall in a Ranked Epidemic Match 
Comrade (30)              Score 500 Points in Ranked Epidemic Games 
Hero of the People (40)   Score 2000 Points in Ranked Epidemic Games 

Colossus (50)             Defeated the Colossus

Jack the Jackal (35)      Took the Jackal for a Ride

Ghost (35)                Used Shifting To Get a Finisher

Stalker (65)              Defeated the Stalker

Nemesis (85)              Defeated the Nemesis.

Brutal mode
     Complete  the  single-player campaign to unlock a new difficulty:
Brutal mode.

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Автор: BAP4yH03
Замечательная игра, прекрасная графика, набор неплохих головоломок, возможность покупать и модернизировать оружие. Если все сделать грамотно, то можно даже пройти Dark Sector с одним пистолетом на всех уровнях сложности.

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