
Dark Void

Prologue (15)
Complete Prologue
Crash Site (15)
Complete Crash Site
The Village (15)
Complete The Village
Spare Parts (15)
Complete Spare Parts
Village Attack (15)
Complete Village Attack
Into the Void (30)
Complete Into the Void
Prophesied One (15)
Complete Prophesied One
The Survivors (15)
Complete The Survivors
Prison Escape (15)
Complete Prison Escape
Breaking Camp (30)
Complete Breaking Camp
Defending the Ark (15)
Complete Defending the Ark
The Collector (15)
Complete The Collector
The Revolt (15)
Complete The Revolt
Tower of Return (30)
Complete Tower of Return
Dark Void (100)
Complete Dark Void
Ultimate Bad Ass (60)
Complete Dark Void on Hardcore
Dear Diary (15)
Find a journal
Bookworm (30)
Find all journals
Tesla's Apprentice (15)
Upgrade first weapon
Grease Monkey (30)
Upgrade all weapons
Pack Rat (30)
Acquire 30,000 Tech)
Grand Theft...UFO? (15)
Hijack 20 UFOs
Demolition Derby (30)
Collide with another UFO 10 times
Blind Luck (15)
Kill one of each enemy footsoldier using blind fire
Big Bang (30)
Destroy a Knight using a grenade
Captain of the Ship (15)
Destroy 10 enemy aircraft while yours is on fire
Forgot My Tow Cable (15)
Fly through an Archon's legs
Fireworks (15)
Kill 10 airborn enemies using grenades
Get Your Feet Wet (15)
Buzz the water
99 Red Balloons (15)
Kill 10 enemies while they are in an anti-gravity bubble
Cliffhanger Killer (15)
Kill 50 enemies while in vertical cover
Death from Above (15)
Kill 50 enemies while hovering
Bird of Prey (15)
Kill 25 footsoldiers using your rocket pack guns
Mark of the Adept (15)
Destroy 5 UFOs in the Prologue
Rocket Clothesline (15)
Melee an enemy immediately after landing
Terminal Velocity (15)
Free fall for 10 seconds
The Squishy Center (20)
Kill a Sarpa piloting an Archon
Cleanup on Aisle Three (15)
Kill 100 enemies with headshots
Rochambeau, I Go First (15)
Kill 50 enemies with melee attacks
Blue Light Special (15)
Kill 3 enemies with one grenade
Killing Spree (20)
Kill 10 enemies within 60 seconds
Those Aren't Fortune Cookies (15)
Step on 10 slugs
Light Up the Sky (30)
Destroy 25 targets with the Ark's AA guns
Master of Arms (15)
Kill an enemy with every rifle weapon
I'm a Rocketman, Baby (15)
Perform 100 special maneuvers with the rocket pack
The Devastator (30)
Destroy 25 UFOs while piloting a Survivor fighter
Float Like a Butterfly (20)
Escape from 10 melee attacks
Upgraded Radar
To unlock an upgraded radar that shows the location of Tech Point Caches, Ammo Caches, Weapons Lockers and Journals, complete the game for the first time.

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