
Deadliest Warrior: The Game

A Head of the Competition (20)
Decapitate 100 enemy warriors as the primary player.
That Was Sparta! (20)
Kill 300 Spartans as the primary player.
Tournament to Kill (20)
Win 10 online tournaments as the primary player.
Pin Cushion (10)
Stick 4 projectiles in a single opponent as the primary player.
Against All Odds (20)
Defeat 25 warriors in Survival Mode as the primary player.
Flesh Wound (10)
Perform a final strike on an opponent after your arm has been sliced off as the primary player.
On Death's Door (20)
As the primary player, kill an opponent while at critical health, with your leg and arm injured.
Right on Time (10)
Perform only perfectly timed strikes to defeat an enemy as the primary player.
Black Knight (20)
Remove all four limbs from the Knight during a single match as the primary player.
Deadliest Arsenal (30)
Unlock every weapon and armor available for every warrior as the primary player.
Shishkabob (10)
Remove an enemy's head with a projectile and stick it into a wall as the primary player.
Who's Deadliest Now? (10)
Defeat Arcade mode on the Deadliest difficulty as the Ninja, the Viking, and the Knight.
Avatar Awards
These items do not affect the game itself. They are worn by your XBox Live avatar, and can be equipped from the Awards section of your avatar customization menu once unlocked.
Samurai Armor
Complete Arcade mode with any character on any difficulty.
Samurai Helmet
Complete Arcade mode with every character on Deadliest difficulty.
Fight Lab Stage Unlock
To unlock this stage, all that needs to be done is to beat Arcade mode with all characters on the Deadliest difficulty.
Fight Lab Stage
Beat 10 opponents in Survival Mode
Outfit/Weapon Unlockables
Do the following tasks in Arcade, on any difficulty with each warrior to receive the outfit/weapon for that warrior.
Alternate Outfit
Defeat your warrior
Long range weapon
Beat Arcade Mode
Mid range weapon
Complete Slice
Short range weapon
Complete Target
Unlock Challenge Mode
Unlock Challenge Mode: Successfully clear Arcade mode with all characters on any difficulty setting.

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