
Devil May Cry 4

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

A Comfortable Pace (10)       Clear mission 11 in Human Mode.

Easy Does It (10)             Clear all missions in Human Mode.

Filled with Pride (10)        Acquire 10,000 Proud Souls.

Half Way There (10)           Clear mission 11 in Devil Hunter Mode.

River of Red (10)             Acquire 10,000 Red Orbs.

Rookie Devil Hunter (10)      Defeat a total of 100 enemies.

Simply Spectacular (10)       Complete a mission with an S ranking.

Smokin' Sick Style!!! (10)    Complete a Stylish Rank SSS 
                              (Smokin' Sick Style!!!) combo.
Smokin' Style!! (10)          Complete a Stylish Rank SS 
                              (Smokin' Style!!) combo.

Smokin'! (10)                 Complete a Stylish Rank S (Smokin'!) combo.

Done and Done (20)            Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode.

The Best of the Rest (20)     Clear all missions in Human Mode
                              with an S ranking.
A Cut Above (30)              Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode 
                              with an S ranking.
The Ninth Circle (10)         Clear stage 90 of Bloody Palace mode

The Eight Circle (10)         Clear stage 80 of Bloody Palace mode

The Seventh Circle (10)       Clear stage 70 of Bloody Palace mode

The Sixth Circle (10)         Clear stage 60 of Bloody Palace mode

The Fifth Circle (10)         Clear stage 50 of Bloody Palace mode

The Fourth Circle (10)        Clear stage 40 of Bloody Palace mode

The Third Circle (10)         Clear stage 30 of Bloody Palace mode

The Second Circle (10)        Clear stage 20 of Bloody Palace mode

The First Circle (10)         Clear stage 10 of Bloody Palace mode

A Throne of Glory (50)        Clear all game modes

Never Say Die (50)            Clear all missions in Dante Must Die mode 
                              with an S ranking
A Stunning Feat (40)          Clear all missions in Son of Sparda mode 
                              with an S ranking
Nothing Left Unsaid (10)      Clear all secret missions

Tonight, We Dine in Hell (10) Clear all missions in Hell or Hell mode

Step into the Light (10)      Clear all missions in Heaven or Hell mode

All Bow Before You (40)       Clear all missions in Dante Must Die mode

Easier Said Than Done (10)    Clear mission 11 in Dante Must Die mode

Hardly a Simple Task (30)     Clear all missions in Son of Sparda mode

Rock and a Hard Place (10)    Clear mission 11 in Son of Sparda mode

Covered in Blood (40)         Clear all Bloody Palace mode stages

King of the Palace (50)       Clear all Bloody Palace mode stages 
                              with an S ranking
Speak of the Devil (20)       Clear the game with Super Nero (Dante)

Modus Vivendi (10)            Extend the Vitality Gauge 
                              to maximum capacity

Bat Out of Hell (10)          Extend the Devil Trigger Gauge 
                              to maximum capacity
Your Cup Runeth Over (20)     Aquire 100,000 Red Orbs

Red Orb Millionaire (40)      Aquire 1,000,000 Red Orbs

Brimming with Pride (20)      Aquire 100,00 Proud Souls

Proud Millionaire (40)        Aquire 1,000,000 Proud Souls

Skilled Devil Hunter (30)     Defeat a total of 1,000 enemies

Legendary Devil Hunter (50)   Defeat a total of 10,000 enemies

Item Collecter                Aquire a Maximum of all items

Skill Collecter-Nero          Aquire all of Nero's skills

Skill Collecter-Dante         Aquire all of Dante's skills

Unlockable difficulty levels

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Son of Sparda mode            Beat Devil Hunter mode

Dante Must Die mode           Beat Son of Sparda mode

Heaven or Hell mode           Beat Son of Sparda mode

Hell or Hell mode             Beat Dante Must Die mode

Unlockable art work

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:
The Two Heroes; 
29 character images           Beat Human or Devil Hunter mode

The Cast                      Beat Devil Hunter mode

The Demons; 
12 publicity pictures         Beat Son of Sparda mode

Demon Invasion                Beat Dante Must Die mode

The Ladies of Devil May Cry   Beat Heaven or Hell mode

Light from the Demon Blade    Beat Hell or Hell mode

Secret ending featuring Dante, Trish and Lady
Protect Kyrie during the ending credits battle

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Secret ending                 Protect Kyrie for 1'30"

Super Costumes
Unlock Super Nero & Dante

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Super Nero                    Beat Dante must Die mode

Super Dante                   Beat Dante must Die mode

Bloody Palace
Unlock the Time Attack Mode, Bloody Palace.

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Bloody Palace                 Complete the game on Devil Hunter 

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