
Disney Universe

All Together Now! (15)
Complete a level with 4 players.
Along for the Ride (15)
Complete a level in multiplayer.
Anti-Virus! (30)
Defeat 500 enemies.
Bad Dog! (15)
Defeat the Bulldog.
Bad Hair Day (15)
Defeat 5 enemies using a single Medusa power-up.
Boxing Clever (15)
Defeat 5 enemies using a single Power Punch power-up.
Challenge Addict (15)
Play 50 Challenges.
Champion of the Universe (90)
Get a Gold Grade for all worlds.
Collector (15)
Collect all of the World Collectables within one level.
Compulsive Collector (90)
Collect all of the World Collectables in the game.
Dizzy! (15)
Defeat Roto.
Dressed for Success! (30)
Purchase all of the costumes.
For The Win! (30)
Win 50 Challenges.
Four Star Costume! (15)
Fully upgrade a costume.
Freeze! (15)
Defeat 5 enemies using a single Snowman power-up.
Giddy Up! (15)
Defeat an enemy whilst riding an animal.
Gold Hoarder (15)
Store 1,000 coins in the bank.
Hero of the Sands (15)
Complete the Aladdin world.
It Means No Worries! (15)
Complete the Lion King world.
Keep 'Em Coming! (15)
Defeat 100 enemies.
Old School (10)
Complete a level without using help arrows.
Playing to Win! (15)
Defeat 5 players in a single level.
Rapid Fire (15)
Defeat 5 enemies using a single Shooter power-up.
Returning to Earth (15)
Complete the WALL-E world.
Richer than a McDuck! (30)
Store 10,000 coins in the bank.
Saviour of the Universe! (90)
Complete all of the worlds.
Scary Feet! (15)
Complete the Monsters, Inc. world.
Serious Collector (15)
Collect all of the World Collectables within a location.
Suit Up! (15)
Purchase a costume.
Swash Buckler (15)
Complete the Pirates of the Caribbean world.
Tag! You're it! (15)
Transfer a curse to another player.
The Bigger They Are... (15)
Defeat the Brute.
Time for a Diet! (15)
Defeat the Spawner.
Time for Tea! (15)
Complete the Alice world.
To Infinity... and Beyond! (15)
Defeat another player by throwing them.
Ultimate Cosmic Power! (90)
Fully upgrade all of the costumes in the game.
Unstoppable! (15)
Complete a level without respawning.
World Beater (30)
Get a Gold Grade for a world.
World of Hurt! (30)
Fully upgrade all of a world's costumes.
World Set Complete! (30)
Collect all of the World Collectables within a world.

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