
Front Mission Evolved

Amplified Warrior (10)
Equip a Mark III battle skill in the single player campaign.
Antarctica (40)
Complete "Promise".40
Around the World (10)
Win a multiplayer match on every level.
Babel (40)
Complete "Tower of Babel".40
Constantine (40)
Complete "Defense of Constantine".40
Destruction (40)
Complete "Chorus of Destruction".40
Diversity Rocks (10)
Win a multiplayer match of all 4 types.
E.D.G.E. Master (40)
Kill 50 enemies while in E.D.G.E. mode.
Easy Logistics (50)
Earn $1,000,000 total cash in the single player campaign.
Fort Monus (40)
Complete "Fort Monus".40
Great Shot (50)
Destroy all Sensors in the game.
Gritty Competetor (10)
Play 10 multiplayer matches.
Infinity Plus One (10)
Destroy 33 enemies while firing from the gunship at Fort Monus.
Lead by Example (30)
Get the top score in Team Deathmatch.
Looking Great (50)
Find all 40 hidden emblems.
Looking Well (20)
Find 15 hidden emblems.
My Hero Zero (100)
Reach Rank 70 in multiplayer.
No Borders (40)
Complete "No Borders".40
Percival (40)
Complete "Apollo's Chariot".40
Petals of Edelweiss (10)
Defeat a player who has the Petals of Edelweiss achievement over Xbox LIVE.
Power of Device (80)
Complete the game.
Power of Human Ingenuity (100)
Complete the game on hard difficulty.
Team Player (30)
Accumulate a total score of 10,000 while playing Domination or Supremacy.
The Canyon (40)
Complete "Call of the Chariots".40
The Show (40)
Complete "Long Island Research Facility".
Ultimate Zephyr (20)
Purchase all 4 of the Zephyr EX parts in the single player campaign.
Wicked Shot (10)
Break all body parts on a single opponent in the single player campaign.

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